Spring Testing Schedule
- ELA 10 - April 30 and May 1
- ALG01 - May 23 and May 24
- ALG02 - May 28 and May 29 **for 9th grade only. Grades 10-12 will not be assessed**
HSA Government
- May 7 and May 8 **only students who were not assessed in January**
Senior Final Exam Schedule
May 16 Period 1 – Final Exam
Periods 2-6 – Regular Classes
May 17 Professional Day, All schools have 3-Hour Early Dismissal
May 20 Periods 1 and 2 – Farewell Assembly Rehearsal and Cap/Gown Distribution
Period 3 – Study Hall
Period 4B, 5, 6 – Final Exams
May 21 Period 1 – Senior Class Breakfast/Study Hall in Media
Periods 2, 3, 4A – Final Exams
Periods 5 & 6 – Graduation Rehearsal in the auditorium
May 22 Last day of school for Seniors
8:00 a.m. Panoramic Picture -- Seniors report to the auditorium wearing cap & gown.
9:00 a.m. Senior Farewell & Awards Assembly in the auditorium. (Due to seating limitations, only parents of award recipients and performers will be invited to attend.)
Senior Picnic will be held immediately following the assembly on school grounds.
1:45 p.m. Senior Slide Show & Graduation Ticket Distribution in the auditorium.
Last Day of School and Underclass Final Exams The last day of school for students will be Friday, June 21. The final exam schedule has not yet been finalized. We will share this information as soon as possible.