Next MRHS PTSA Meeting
Monday, Feb. 10th, 7pm, MRHS Student Services office
Please join us to learn more about what’s going on with the MRHS PTSA, Afterprom & more.
PTSA Senior Scholarship
The MRHS PTSA award FOUR Seniors $1500 each!
Seniors are REQUIRED to be PTSA members in order to apply for this scholarship!
From Our GTAC Parent Representative
Advocacy Request for GT Program Participants
The Board of Education is now reviewing its budget for next year, looking for ways to cut back. The Gifted & Talented Advisory Board (GTAC) wants to be sure the BOE knows how important the GT Program is to so many of our families! If you are a student who participates in the GT Program or a parent with a child that does, please send an email to the BOE ( boe@hcpss.org) this week to let them know how important the GT Program is to you. Please raise your voice to be counted as an advocate of the GT Program during this critical decision-making phase. A quick example is provided below, if you'd like to use.
My name is (Name), and I/my child participate/s in the HCPSS GT Program. The GT Program has been a meaningful part of (my/my child's) education because (personal example or two). As you work on refining your proposed budget for next year, I request you please continue full funding of the GT Program. Thank you for your time and hard work!
Horizon Foundation/QPR Trainings
MRHS PTSA received a grant from the Horizon Foundation this year! This is helping to raise Mental Health Awareness in Howard County and in each of our schools. Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center is providing FREE, 2-hour, suicide prevention trainings called QPR(Question - Persuade - Refer). Dates and times are listed on the Grassroots website: www.grassrootscrisis.org/events. Any HoCo resident may register.
HC DrugFree
Free Parenting Classes: HC DrugFree and the State's Attorney's Office will offer another series of parenting classes for parents of children age 9-14. This is an evidence-based, interactive prevention program that provides the families of with the skills and knowledge to reduce the risk that their children will use drugs. Class dates: March 10, 17, 24 and 31 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Oakland Mills Middle School. Flier attached. Hurry to register at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/March2020oms
HC DrugFree’s Teen Advisory Council (TAC) will meet on Monday, February 10 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at The Barn/Teen Center in the Oakland Mills Village Center. TAC meets one Monday evening a month and is open to all Howard County high school students. Community service hours are available for all meetings and events. To access the registration form, please visit http://www.hcdrugfree.org/teen-advisory-council-1. Refreshments provided at meetings, so must RSVP to Admin@hcdrugfree.org or call 443-325-0040.
Leadership U - Calling all Sophomores!
Informational meetings for parents & students:
Feb. 13, Central Library, 7-8pm
Mar. 1, Miller Library, 3-4pm
afterPROM is a fun, safe, drug-free event for all Juniors and Seniors (and guests). This year’s afterPROM will be at The Main Event, Columbia on May 9, 2020.
We’re looking for a MRHS student to design our 2020 afterPROM artwork. The design will be used on:
· Posters
· Flyers
· PTSA website
· PTSA newsletters
· Tickets
· T-Shirts
Please submit your entry to afterprommrhs@gmail.com no later than February 21. Winner receives a $25 Amazon gift card and all the accolades for a great design!
Thank you.
MRHS PTSA Have a Heart! afterPROM
We sent out our afterPROM donation letter this Monday.
Here’s a quick link to make a donation- we can’t do it without you!