On Time and Present for 2 Weeks! Congratulations to the following students who were rewarded with a $5 Dunkin’ Donuts gift card for being on time and present for the period May 20-31: Antonio Chaves, Abigail Donilon, Ralph Fienkeng, Dain Hughes, Jordan Komin, Nicholas Lienhard, Jada Martin, Julianna Nieves, Jacob Oliveira, Brooke Rosewag, Emily Shim, John Wobbeking, Sunry Yen, and Charles Zou.
The last drawing will take place on June 14! Be sure to be at school and on time by 7:25 a.m. each day June 3-14 to be eligible to win!
2019 Open Site Summer Meals Program Community partners play an important role I caring for students and helping them achieve and excel during the school year. Childhood food insecurity remains at unacceptable levels across the country and in Howard County. Children who rely on school meals to meet their nutritional needs are more disadvantaged over the summer. HCPSS will operate a summer meals program begins June 25 and runs through August 21. Please share this information, reach out, and connect families in our community. The program needs champions like you!
Summer Meals Program (English)
Summer Meals Program (Spanish)