Today's Topics, 1/23/19

Fri, 01/25/2019 - 4:01pm
Marriotts Ridge High School

News from Boosters, PTSA, and Community Events of Interest



Next Meeting:   February 13 at 7p.m. in Student Services. .JOIN US!!


Driver’s Education Classes at MRHS offered through Street Smarts of Maryland and sponsored by Boosters.  
The next session will be February 11-22.  Register today!
Other upcoming sessions include March 4-15, April 1-23, and May 15-30.


2019 Senior Scholarships Application Deadline is February 22, 2019

The Senior Scholarship is designed for a MRHS Boosters Club member who strives for excellence and has “Made a Difference at Marriotts Ridge” through a positive contribution to a school club, organization or sports team.  Two awards in the amount of $2,000 will be awarded to defray the cost of any accredited institution or higher learning to which you have been accepted for the next academic year.  The selected students for the awards will be announced in May at the Senior Awards Assembly.  More information, including the application process, is available on the Boosters’ website at



NEXT MRHS PTSA MEETING is Monday, February 11, 7pm – Student Services Office


MRHS PTSA Senior Scholarships – SENIORS DON’T WAIT!

Two Key Dates:

  • February 8, 2019  YOU (graduating senior) MUST be a PAID MRHS PTSA Member
  • Application deadline is April 12, 2019 @ 2:30 p.m.

Scholarships will be granted to four seniors.  The $1,500 Question: Will YOU be one of them? The application is available on the PTSA website and, also, through Student Services.   Please be sure to follow all instructions very carefully!  Questions may be directed to Denise Harris at or 410-499-1558.




Receive any gift cards this holiday season that you may not use?   Please consider donating them to the MRHS AfterProm!   We will gladly accept gift cards in any denomination for use at our AfterProm party!   Please send to school - ATTN: Karen Chase/AfterProm.    THANK YOU!

AfterProm Prize Committee members are still being sought!   Any/all help is needed now to shop for prizes, co-ordinate prize "gift baskets" in March/April, and/or help specifically with Prize table at AfterProm on May 4th.  If you are interested in any of these opportunities, please reach out!

Thanks in advance for your help in continuing to provide a fun, safe, After Prom opportunity for our students this year.  It takes many, many hands to make this event a success. Any amount of time you can provide is greatly appreciated!  You do not need to be a parent of an Upperclassman to help out!  We are very thankful for those who have already volunteered and look forward to hearing from more of our community!

Watch for a communication letter from the AfterProm Committee in your mailbox in the coming weeks!



Leadership U Class of 2019

Leadership U is recruiting current sophomores for the Leadership U Class of 2019.  Leadership U is an experiential leadership development, and community service opportunity.  Current 9th and 10th grade students and their parents are invited to attend an information session to learn more about Leadership U and hear from recent graduates and their parents.

  • Thursday, January 31 at the Miller Library from 7-8 p.m.
  • Monday, February 11 at the Central Library from 7-8 p.m.
  • Thursday, March 7 at the Miller Library from 7-8 p.m.

Please visit the website at for additional information and to apply.



IMPORTANT GET CONNECTED! MRHS families can connect with a PTSA liaison. We have:
  • Korean Parent Organization (KPO) - contact Chi Yon Barbosa, ,
  • Chinese American Parent Organization (CAPO) contact Lan Deng, , and
  • Indian Parent Organization (IPO) contact Shelly Arora,  

Please email your liaison so that they can send PTSA information to you.  




Community Notices

Please visit the Community News and Programs page on the HCPSS website for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.  These events are neither sponsored nor endorsed by Marriotts Ridge High School or the Howard County Public School System.