November 30, 2018
- Mustangs please join us in congratulating the 2018-2019 Delta Scholars! The MRHS Current and New Scholars joined Hammond HS in the 1st Welcoming Ceremony for their new chapter. Thank you to Miss Audrey Mullins and Miss Shivasree Margam for your student leadership! Also a special thanks to our Delta Sigma Theta Liaison, Ms. Lanae Nelson, Ms. Foyles AP, and Ms. Goldeisen our principal for supporting our students!"
- There will be a Driver Safety Presentation on Monday, 12/3 at 6:30pm. at Glenelg HS. If you plan on driving to school, yo must attend a presentation. Please see Mrs. Lockhoff in the front office if you have questions.
- The Sound of Music cast/crew interest meeting will be held on Wed., Dec. 5 during Mustang Time in the theatre. Learn about the audition process and working backstage!
- Sophomores, we need your help! The class of 2021 will be selling and preparing Candy Grams . . . see Ms. Allman or Mr. Parson for dates and times.
- Mustangs, are you a vegetarian or vegan? Interested in learning more? Come to room 305 to the Vegetarian Club for a general interest meeting during break on Wed., 12/5. Everyone is welcome!
- Students, many of you have not returned your signed "Academic Code of Honor". Please return forms to 3rd period teachers or to the front office.
- Attention Students: Do you want to take the Armed Services VBocational Aptitude Battery? The ASVAB is scheduled for Decmeber 13 at 7:25 a.m. here at MRHS. Let Mrs. Leaf in Student Services know if you would like to take the test!
November 28, 2018
- Science Olympiad will be having a general meeting on Thursday, 11/29. All members are required to attend.
- The Sound of Music cast/crew interest meeting will be held on Wed., Dec. 5 during Mustang Time in the theatre. Learn about the audition process and working backstage!
- Are you interested in programming? Well, those of us in the Programming Club can help you learn new skills and show off your current skills with team competitions. Nw all we need is you! Great resume boosting and prizes a wait for those that partake. Be there every Wednesday after school in room 121.
- Attention Students: Do you want to take the Armed Services VBocational Aptitude Battery? The ASVAB is scheduled for Decmeber 13 at 7:25 a.m. here at MRHS. Let Mrs. Leaf in Student Services know if you would like to take the test!
November 27, 2018
- All Delta Scholars Applications are due today, 11/27, to Ms. Schmidt in room 216. There will be no extensions! There will be a mandatory meeting at 2:15 in the yearbook room. Any student who turned in an application will need to attend.
- Sophomores, we need your help! Help the Class of 2021 sell and prepare Candy Grams. See Ms. Allman or Mr. Parson for dates and times.
- Attenention all Spanish students in Level 3 or above! If you are interested in being a member of Spanish NHS, applications are now available from your Spanish teacher. Forms are DUE MONDAY 12/3 to Senorita Rhodeside or Senora Bonner.
- NHS Toys for Tots Drive kicked off this week. We will be collecting donations of new toys during Period 2 classes. Monetary donations will also be accepted, with a receipt frm the website given to your Period 2 teacher. The toy drive will go until Tuesday, Dec. 4. The Period 2 class with the most donations will win a breakfast celebration!
- PTSA Reflections entry deadline is this Friday. Don't forget to attach an entry form; pick one up in the front office today.
November 14, 2018
- Attention All Spanish Students in Level 3 or Above If you are interested in being a member of Spanish NHS, applications will be available starting Wednesday, November 14. You can pick up a form from your Spanish teacher. Applications are due to Senorita Rhodeside or Senora Bonner by Monday 12/3.
November 13, 2018
- All girls interested in playng basketball this winter, see Coach Miller in Room 350.
- Today is the Operation Smile Club Chipotle fundraiser! Make sure to come out and support the cause from 4-8 pm!
- There will be an indoor track meeting on Wednesday during Mustang Time in room 326.
- All Delta Scholars applications are due November 16 to Ms. Schmidt in room 216.
- Red Cross members, there is a meeting this Wednesday, 11/14, after school. See you in Mrs. Bonner's room 311!
- If you like to relax, do puzzles and eat pizz, join Puzzle Club. The next meeting is this Thursday, 11/15, after school in room 212 from 2:15-3:00. Bring $2 for pizza.
November 12, 2018
- Food Drive Class Competition is this week. Bring your non-perishable food items and/or an onlline donation receipt (each $1 = 1 pound of food) to your Period 1 class . . . top three classes win a reward!
- Key Clubbers . . the next general meeting is Tuesday, Nov. 12 after school in the cafeteria. We will be passing out angels at the end of the meeting, so please tyry to make it!
- Boys JV and Varisty Basketball tryuts start on Thursday, 11/15 from2:30-4:30 p.m. Tryouts will continue on Saturday, November 17 from 9:30-11:30 a.m. All players should report to the main gym to be signed in. ALL players MUST registere through the Canvas parent portal befgore athelets will be allowed to participate . . . NO Exceptions. Participants should bring appropriate basketball shoes and clothing. If you have a reversible jersey, you are encouraged to bring it.
- Red Cross Club meeting Thursday after school. See you there!
- Fall Play is this week, Thursday-Saturday @ 7pm and Sunday @ 3pm. $8 advance tickets through OSP online; $10 at the door.
November 8, 2018
- The last Safe Driving Meeting will be held at RHHS on Thursday, November gth from 6:30pm-7:00pm in the auditorium. All juniors and seniors who wish to park on school grounds must attending one of these meetings prior to receiving a parking permit. Students must be accompanied by their parent/legal guardian for the duration of the meeting. Parking permits are $15 (cash or check). You can obtain your parking permit from the front office after completing the Safe Driving Meeting.
- The fall play opens November 15th and runs until the 18th, Tickets on sale now through OSP. See you at the show!
- The annual MRHS food drive begins Monday! Last year MRHS donated over 1,000 pounds of food and collected over $3,000 for the Maryland Food Bank! Bring nonperishable items and donation receipts to your first period classes Monday through Friday. The top three classes will win a celebration!
- The front office has an electric shaver, Ray Ban eyeglasses, calculators, a GMC key, and a pink seashell bracelet. Please stop by to claim them.
- Attention Rubiks Cube Club members! Don't forget to pick up your pass in room 228 ASAP.
November 5, 2018
- The fall play opens November 15th and runs until the 18th. Tickets on sale now through OSP. See you at the show!
- Weight certifications for wrestling start on Thursday the 8th at 3:00 p.m. Meet in the wrestling room at 2:45. See Mr. Muscato for more details.
- The last Safe Driving Meeting will be held at RHHS on Thursday, November 8th, from 6:30 p.m. - 7: 00 p.m. in the auditorium. All juniors and seniors who wish to park on school grounds must attend one of these meetings prior to receiving a parking permit. Students must be accompanied by their parent/legal guardian for the duration of the meeting. Parking permits are $15 (cash or check). You can obtain your parking permit from the front office after completing the Safe Driving Meeting.
- Attention 9th grade students: The ARL is offering a Shadow Day for Aerospace Engineering and the Early College Program in Cybersecurity on Thursday, November 29th. Please go to Student Services for a permission slip to participate. Permission slips are due back to Mrs. Nelson in Student Services by November 12th.
- Attention 10th grade students: See what ARL has to offer! ARL Shadow Days will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, November 27th and 28th. Permission slips can be picked up in Student Services and are due back to Mrs. Nelson in Student Services by November 12th.
November 2, 2018
- Come out to the volleyball playoff game at home on Monday at 4 PM. Wear black and be loud!
- Are you an athlete? Are you looking for a community of athletes routed in their faith? Come check out Fellowship of Christian Athletes! We Met twice a month at 6:45am-our next meeting is 11/8 in Mrs. Burke’s room (room 352). Breakfast will be served
- Stop by Ms. Hawkins Room, Room 208, to get your pass for club pictures.
November 1, 2018
- Congratulations to our varsity cheerleaders for the title of county champs last night! You make us so proud.
- BARK will meet on Thursday, November 1st at 215 in room 207.