HoCo Commission for Women Essay Contest

2019 Women's History Month Essay Contest: For generations, women have resolved conflicts in their homes, schools and communities. From women’s rights and racial justice to disarmament and gun control, the drive for nonviolent change has been championed by visionary women. They have rejected violence as counterproductive and stressed the need to restore respect, establish justice, and reduce the causes of conflict as the surest way to peace. From legal defense and public education to direct action and civil disobedience, women have expanded the American tradition of using inclusive, democratic and active means to reduce violence, achieve peace, and promote the common good. They have given voice to the unrepresented and hope to victims of violence and those who dream of a peaceful world. This year, we honor these champions of peace.

      As part of the Women's Hall of Fame induction and to mark Women's History Month, the Commission for Women also sponsors an essay contest for Howard County students in grades 6 through twelve. One middle school and one high school winner will be selected; each will receive a $200 gift card at the Women's Hall of Fame induction ceremonies in March.  The 2019 Women’s History Month essay contest theme is: "VISIONARY WOMEN: Champions of Peace and Nonviolence,” which recognizes that, for generations, women have resolved conflicts in their homes, schools and communities. Howard County students who live in Howard County and attend public or private school, or are-home-schooled, are eligible. All entries must be received no later than 5:00 pm, Tuesday, January 29, 2019.

      Visit the contest website for more information: https://www.howardcountymd.gov/CFW