Today's Topics, 11/1/18

Thu, 11/01/2018 - 6:13pm



News from Music Foundation, PTSA & Boosters


November 7, 2018


MRHS Music Foundation

DESSERT DAYS PIE DELIVERY is scheduled for Monday, November 12!




Join the PTSA!  We are always looking for ways to support the Parents, Teachers, and Students at MRHS.   THANK YOU for YOUR SUPPORT!!!

Next PTSA Meeting

Monday, November 12, 7pm in Student Services office
Hope to see many of our parents and guardians come hear MRHS news from Mrs. Goldeisen, staff, SGA, and PTSA committees. 


RESTAURANT RAFFLE envelopes were put in the mail today!  This is our ONE & ONLY FUN-draiser and gives EVERYONE a chance to win the GRAND PRIZE of local restaurant gift certificates worth $1,000!!  Look for the blue envelope to arrive in your mailbox in the next few days.


This year's theme is "Heroes Around Me." Submissions are due November 30, 2018. 

MRHS Entry forms are available in the front office or click here to download and print.  If you are interested in volunteering to assist PTSA, please contact Kennisha Firstley at or Sharon Blessing at

Art Categories(click here for category guidelines)

  • Dance Choreography
  • Film Production
  • Literature
  • Music Composition
  • Photography
  • Visual Arts
  • Special Artist Division


PTSA Directory  Our family directory has been sent to the printer! Every family will receive a copy through the youngest or only student at MRHS.   Watch for distribution to students next week!




Please "LIKE" the MRHS PTSA Facebook page.   Marriotts Ridge High School PTSA


GET CONNECTED!  MRHS families can connect with a PTSA liaison. We have a Korean Parent Organization (KPO), Chinese American Parent Organization (CAPO) and Indian Parent Organization (IPO).  Please email your liaison so that they can send PTSA information to you.

   KPO - contact Chi Yon Barbosa,
   CAPO - contact Lan Deng,
   IPO - contact Shelly Arora,


HARRIS TEETER TOGETHER-IN-EDUCATION REWARDS PROGRAM  Sign up is EASY AS PIE!   Please email Pam your name and cell number, and she can sign you up for Harris Teeter rewards. OR, you could connect your HT card to MRHS (#2504) next time you're grocery shopping at HT. Simply go to the Customer counter and have them connect your card to our school. Thanks for supporting MRHS!




Next Meeting:   Nov. 14 at 7p.m. in Student Services. JOIN US!!


Join The Club - the MRHS Boosters Club!  Did you know the Boosters Club is the prime fundraising organization for the school and contributes to ALL extracurricular activities for ALL our students. That’s right - we fund Clubs, Sports, Music and Drama, as well as, School wide speakers and initiatives.  Join us for as little as $25 by going to our website: and click on Membership.    Seniors, reminder that you and/or your family must be a member to apply for a 2019 Senior Scholarship!



Community Notices

Please visit the Community News and Programs page on the HCPSS website for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.  These events are neither sponsored nor endorsed by Marriotts Ridge High School or the Howard County Public School System.