August 9 is the last day to request an edit course selections!

Wed, 08/01/2018 - 3:41pm

From Student Services,

Please note that the last day to request an edit to a student’s course selection will be Thursday, August 9, 2018. Student Services is diligently working to ensure that schedules are complete with 7 credits, include courses that meet graduation requirements, follow teacher recommendations as well as student requests.

A request for a course change must be approved in writing by a parent/guardian (an email to the student’s counselor is preferred).  Any request submitted before the deadline will be reviewed by the counselor, regardless of the counselor’s summer work schedule. 

Edits after the August 9th deadline will be made only for the following reasons:

  • Student passed a class in summer school that is still listed on the schedule.
  • Student passed a class last year that is listed on his/her schedule.
  • Student failed a course last year and needs to repeat it in the 18-19 school year.
  • Student does not have seven classes and or seven credits on the schedule.
  • Student does not have a required course in a core academic subject of English, Math, Science, and/or Social Studies.

Watch for student schedules to be sent out through Synergy to parents/guardians email the week of August 13-17, 2018.


School Counselors:

Student last name:

A-Ci     Jessie Little

Cl-I       Jodi Dubbs

J-L        Nicola Hildreth

M-Sc    LaNae Nelson

Se-Z     Andy Johnson