Updated Testing Schedule

Mon, 04/23/2018 - 2:56pm

Updated Testing Schedule @ MRHS

PARCC ELA 10 - Monday, April 30th - Tuesday, May 1st

PARCC Geometry/Algebra II - Thursday, May 3rd- Friday, May 4th

AP exams - May 7th - May 18th

MISA - May 7th

PARCC Algebra I - May 21st - May23rd 

HSA Government - May 30th

Note:  The daily bell schedule will not change, but the lunch shifts will change on April 30th, May 4th, and May 21st.  D lunch will be cancelled and the following changes will take place:

  • PE/Health/Dance and Intern/Mentor will eat during C lunch
  • Science will eat during A lunch


Additionally, Wednesday FlexTime has been cancelled countywide on April 25 and May 2; thus there will be no Mustang Time and we will follow our regular daily bell schedule on these days.