Suggested School Supply List 20-21


This is a preview of the UPDATED school supply list.  You do not need to purchase all the items on this list, it is to be used a guide for what teachers can request.  The number indicates the maximum that can be requested; each team/teacher will develop a supply list from the menu according to school/course needs. More information will be shared by individual teachers once school begins.  


Please help your child by replenishing supplies during the year as needed.

The graphing calculator is an important technology tool used in Howard County mathematics courses beginning with Algebra 1 and extending through the end of the course sequence. Although digital graphing tools are available online and will be used at various times in middle and high school math courses, students are best served by having a personal graphing calculator such as the TI-84 Plus CE (rechargeable) graphing calculator. Students who go on to take mathematics courses in college will likely be able to use the same calculator for college coursework. Note that students are permitted to use a graphing calculator on the SAT, ACT and Advanced Placement mathematics exams. Arrangements can also be made to borrow a graphing calculator from school through your child’s mathematics teacher.