The Winter sports parent information meeting will take place on November 11th at 6pm in the MRHS cafeteria.
The following information will help parents and students as you prepare for the Winter sports season:
- The winter sports season begins on November 15th. Some teams will start later than that. Information is in this document.
- All students must be academically eligible (2.0 first quarter gpa and no more than 1 failing grade)
- All students will need the following to register:
- Current physical: Must be dated after April 1, 2019.
- Proof of residency. This may be a BGE bill, phone bill, etc.
- You can register your student at, on the left hand column you will see a tab for “HS Athletic Registration” near the bottom of the page
- All student athletes must have current health insurance
The following is a list of all fall varsity head coaches including their email address and first practice date and time.
Sport Coach Email Start
Wrestling Jason Conley 11/15
Wrestling room 2:30pm
Girls Basketball Sarah Miller 11/15
Gym 2:30pm
Indoor Track Doug Smith 11/15
Thomas Brandel
Track 2:30pm
Boys Basketball Tim Brady 11/15
Gym 4:30pm
Cheerleading Sugene Shin 11/15
Room 116 2:30pm
Allied Bowling Kim Burke Practice will begin in early December