Reminders for Thursday, August 26

Please join us!

We are looking forward to seeing all new students and their families at our New Student Orientation on Thursday, August 26th from 9:00 AM – 12:00 noon. This will be a structured event. We will begin our presentation in the auditorium. There will be plenty of current students around the building to help you find your way.

We are also hosting an Open House on Thursday, August 26th from 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM for your student to come in and walk their schedule. This will be an unstructured event.  All staff will be in their classrooms. All the administrators will be available at a table in the auditorium hallway to help you with any questions. Our student services staff, including the counselors, will be available in the student services office to answer any questions. We will also have current students around the building to help you find your way. 


Medication drop-off dates will be on 8/25 & 8/26 from 8 am to 2 pm. All medication should be brought to the nurse by a parent with a medication order sign by a medical provider. Just a reminder that over-the-counter medications should be new & unopened. Also, all prescription medications should have the pharmacy label with the student's name, medication name and expiration date.  

Physicians Order Form 

EpiPen Order Form