Student Schedules and Orientation/Open House

Good afternoon Parents/Guardians,

This morning, schedules were released for parents and students to view through Synergy and HCPSS Connect. Please review your students’ scheduled courses for the 2021-2022 school year.  After reviewing the list of courses, should you have any questions or concerns, please email your counselor. We are currently still balancing class sizes, so you may see a slight shift in class periods as we work through this today.


Reasons to reach out to your counselor for a schedule correction:

1. Your child passed a class in summer school that is listed on the current schedule.

2. Your child passed a class last year that is listed on the current schedule.

3. Your child failed a course last year and needs to retake it in the 2021-2022 school year.

4. Your child does not have seven classes and/or seven credits on the schedule.

5. Your child does not have a required course in a core academic subject (English, Math, Science, and/or Social Studies).


It is important to note that other than the reasons listed above, schedule changes will not be made during the first week of school. If you have a schedule correction request, please reach out to your counselor ASAP. At this point we cannot guarantee any schedule corrections received after being completed for the first day of school. In addition, we are experiencing an increased number of email communications; please be patient as we address all of your needs and requests.

Schedule changes/corrections are not guaranteed as they are subject to room caps/availability and movement in the schedule.


If you have any questions or need any assistance with the corrections listed above, please email your child’s assigned school counselor:

Ms. Jessica Little (A-Cha)-

Ms. Jodi Dubbs (Chb-Han)-

Ms. Pauline Baek (Hao-Lam)-

Mrs. Katie Tasch (Lan-Od)-

Mrs. Jennifer McKechnie-Howe (Oe-Shi)-

Mr. Andrew Johnson (Shj-Z)-



Important Event Reminders: New Student Orientation and MRHS Open House Information:

We are looking forward to seeing all new students and their families at our New Student Orientation on Thursday, August 26th from 9:00 AM – 12:00 noon. This will be a structured event. We will begin our presentation in the auditorium. There will be plenty of current students around the building to help you find your way.


Please make sure you are bringing a copy of your schedule, or have access on your phone/device, as we will not be handing out paper copies tomorrow.


By the end of the day tomorrow, our presentation will be available on the MRHS website for those families who cannot make this event.


We are also hosting an Open House on Thursday, August 26th from 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM for your student to come in and walk their schedule. This will be an unstructured event.  All staff will be in their classrooms. All the administrators will be available at a table in the auditorium hallway to help you with any questions. Our student services staff, including the counselors, will be available in the student services office to answer any questions. We will also have current students around the building to help you find your way.