HCPSS Student/Family Chromebook Responsibilities

The following information on HCPSS student Chromebook responsibilities also may be found online.

Access to technology devices can open doors to many educational opportunities both during the traditional school day and outside of school hours. When appropriate, HCPSS teachers will continue to use the Chromebooks in innovative ways for lessons and assignments during the 2021-2022 school year.  

With the HCPSS 1:1 student to device program, all students in grades 2 through 12 have or will be provided a Chromebook for academic use and may take the devices to and from school daily. 

At the start of the school year, students in prekindergarten, kindergarten and first grade will have access to Chromebooks at school when needed for instruction. These devices will not be assigned to individual students. Students at these grade levels who currently have Chromebooks assigned to them will be asked to return them to school. Instructions on returning devices will be shared with families by their child’s school. 

Please note, at any time, families may opt to keep an assigned device at school rather than have students bring the device back and forth.

All students attending the Digital Education Center will be provided Chromebooks for instruction regardless of grade level. 

Chromebook Obligations
Beginning Monday, September 13, HCPSS will charge families for lost, stolen or damaged devices per the information below.

· Families will be charged for any devices that are lost, stolen or damaged while in their care. 

· If devices are lost, stolen or damaged during school hours and in the school building, school administrators will conduct an investigation to determine if the incident was the result of neglect on the part of the assigned student.

Costs and Charging Procedures

· A chart containing Chromebook device costs can be found online should a Chromebook become stolen/lost or damaged. 

· Students who have an outstanding device obligation will be provided a device for use at school until the obligation is paid. Once paid, the device can travel to and from school, as appropriate for the grade level of the student. Students who have goals in their IEP or 504 plan that require access to assistive technology devices outside the school day will continue to have a device available per their plan.

· Students receiving free or reduced meals will be invoiced at a reduced amount. 

· Invoicing Families

o   In order to give staff ample time to review the report and/or device and conduct an investigation when necessary, invoices will not be assigned at the time of the report.

o   The HCPSS Office of Finance will create and send families the invoices.

Device Assignment & Care

· Families are asked to review the HCPSS Student Mobile Technology Duties and Obligations notice and remind students of the expectations around proper care.

· Families should review the devices assigned to their student(s) in HCPSS Connect Synergy and use the form to verify the devices listed for their family are assigned correctly. HCPSS staff will review when families report incorrect assignments and will reach out to families as needed. 

· Families may opt to have their children keep their devices at school.

Reporting a Technology Device Incident
Damaged Devices:

· Should an HCPSS Chromebook become damaged, students/parents should bring the damaged device to their student’s school or an HCPSS Technology Support Center

· The staff member taking the report will document the incident. After which, staff will review the report and device to assess charges, as appropriate. 

Lost or Stolen Devices: 

· If a device should be lost or stolen, families should report the incident to their student’s school as soon as possible, and be ready to include details such as date and time of incident, last known location of the device, and a copy of a police report, if applicable.