Important Dates

August 11: Fall Sports Begin

August 19: School Staff Returns

August 26: New Student Orientation (9am-12pm)

August 26: Open House for Returning Students in Grades 10-12 (1pm-2:30pm)

August 26: Welcome Back Block Party (5pm-8pm) (Club/Activity Sponsors -- if you'd like a table set up for your club/activity at the event, please click this link to sign up, no later than Aug 23.

August 30: First Day of School

September 2: Back to School Night (6:30pm-8:30pm)

September 6 & 7: School Closed 

September 9: Senior Parent Information Night (6pm)

September 16: School Closed

October 4-9: Homecoming Week (dance on 10/9 in the evening)

October 4: Senior Crab Feast

October 8: Pep Rally and Football Game