September 10, 2021
Greetings from the Ridge:
I hope this finds you doing well. We have had a wonderful two weeks with your children. We are simply happy to see them again. We have been getting ourselves back into our routines and we have been reminding our students about their academic routines and habits.
Thank you to those who attended BTSN, we were happy to see you back in the building. That presentation is on our website if you need to review it.
We have reminded our students, regularly, about wearing their masks properly. We are reminding them that their mask should cover their nose and mouth to keep everyone safe.
All students have learned about the important policies that they need to be aware of for this school year. We will go over those policies one more time with them during this month. Your student needs to sign the Code of Conduct google form, which can be found on the MRHS Student Community Canvas page or at the link below.
Student Handbook/Code of Conduct:
Google Signature Form:
We know that the traffic is still a struggle, and we are working on that. The most important thing to us is that we get your child into our building safely and ready for instruction from the bus loop, car loop, or the student parking lot. We do have several buses that make double runs in the morning and the afternoon due to the shortage of bus drivers in the county.
When you drop off at the car loop, please pull all the way forward so that we can get as many students dropped off at the same time. We want to keep the traffic moving and get you on your way to your next destination in a timely manner. Mr. Williams and I will continue to wave to remind you to pull forward.
Beginning the week of October 4th, we will start our Spirit Week heading up to our Homecoming game (Friday night) and Homecoming dance (Saturday night). It is a very exciting week to show school spirit and get connected with other students. More information will be shared about that soon. Students will see social media posts and messages from their grade level reps, about how to participate in spirit week and how it works at MRHS.
Thanks, Tammy Goldeisen