Update on Graduations and Athletics Mask Requirements


Update on Graduations and Athletics Mask Requirements,

Following new State orders announced last week, HCPSS is able to offer additional tickets for the upcoming graduation ceremonies and allow all guests to sit in the pavilion at Merriweather Post Pavilion. After working with Merriweather staff and the County to determine the number of tickets that may be distributed, each graduate will receive six tickets for guests who may sit wherever they prefer, in the pavilion or on the lawn. Staff, students, family members and guests who wish to wear masks are welcome to do so. Howard County Police and staff from Merriweather encourage families to carpool and limit the number of cars to two per family in order to minimize the impact on traffic and parking.

That newest State order also eliminates the requirement of wearing masks at outdoor venues. Therefore, beginning today, Monday, May 17, 2021, HCPSS will no longer require masks to be worn on outdoor school properties, including outdoor athletics contests and practices. The Superintendent’s message last week opened outdoor athletic venues to full capacity and that decision remains in place.

In alignment with health and safety guidance, and the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Howard County Health Department, we remind the community to continue to follow healthy practices and for unvaccinated individuals to continue wearing masks and social distancing.