Today's Topics, May 20, 2021

May 20, 2021


AP digital exams that are taken at home begin on May 18th. It is imperative that students set up for each exam individually 1-3 days prior to the exam date! Students will need to log into the exam 30 minutes before the exam start time. 


This document has more information on the AP Digital Testing app and has a Digital Exam Schedule with set up and check in times.


AP Digital Testing App

2021 AP Digital Testing Application The College Board is offering digital versions of 25 exams. Digital exams must be taken at their scheduled time slot of 12pm and 4pm Eastern Standard Time. Due to the timing of the exams and capacity for at school testing, HCPSS is requiring that digital test t...

Having trouble finding the grid menu on your HCPSS Chromebook? Follow these instructions: 


This web page explains how students can use the practice exams to prepare for their exams. Practice exams give students a feel for the exam format and provide feedback with an answer key and scoring guidelines. Students should use the practice exams, to familiarize themselves with the equation editor that is used in math and science exams. 

Digital Exam Practice – AP Central | College Board

Digital practice will roll out over several days. It will be added to the app starting April 8 and will be available for all digital exam subjects by April 12. We strongly recommend that students do digital practice before exam day. They’ll see each type of multiple-choice and/or free-response question on their exam. They’ll get to preview the pre-exam steps (exam setup and check-in), as ...

If you have questions, please email Mrs. Scott at or call MRHS 410-313-5568 during school hours. 


Positive Office Referral Program

Our PBIS/Positive Office Referral Program has been fabulous this year! 

Through the generous support of the MRHS PTSA, we are holding a drawing this month for 5 students and 2 staff members.  The prize this month is a $10 Chick-Fil-A gift card.  Congratulations to the following winners:

Ryan "Didi" Zhang

Nadia Ghaicepour

Pratham Sethia

Aidan Burnham

Anna "Annie" Sarlin


Cara Roberts

Kelly Brown


MRHS Art Quest

Something is coming out of the gallery from the MRHS National Art Honor Society and art club... And it’s an Art Hunt! An Art Quest if you will!

Starting Thursday 5/20, keep an eye out for mini canvases popping up all around your neighborhood, and in the surrounding areas... From fancy florals to lovely landscapes, the Art Club/NAHS hopes to bring some positivity with what we do best... Art! Check out our Insta MRHS_ART_CLUB and out Art Quest website for clues to the locations of the artworks!

If you happen to find a canvas around, use the hashtag #mrhsartquest to document your findings on social media and the QR code attached to the piece to let us know you found it! Let the Quest begin!



Marriotts Ridge Boosters NEEDS YOU!

MRHS Boosters Club is the prime fundraising organization for the school. We provide funding for all extracurricular activities for our students which includes Athletics, as well as, Clubs, Music and Drama, and School-Wide Initiatives.  We are a separate organization from PTSA.


The Boosters has several committee positions that need to be filled for the 2021-2022 school year! We need these positions filled ASAP!

We are looking for help with two of our major fundraisers: Oreo Booth & Mustang Madness!


Oreo Booth (August7-14th) 

At least 2 Committee Chair people to shadow the current members who will be leaving after the Howard County Fair this year. The people would need to be available the week of the Howard County Fair, which is usually the first week in August. This year’s fair is August 7-14th, we will also need help with volunteers to work the Oreo Booth that week. 


 Mustang Madness Auction: (Usually held in March)

Chairperson needed to work with the outgoing Chairperson to organize Auction items, donations, coordinate venue, ticket sales etc.

Also, needed people to help get donations for the event.


We also need help with the following Committee


Booster Community Liaison:

Works with Coaches, Teams and Clubs to relay information from the Boosters to the community so everyone is aware of the needs for the Boosters. 


If you are willing to volunteer for the Boosters, please contact Michele Weller at or 410-303-3802



AFS USA is looking for Howard County Host Families for Foreign Exchange students!

This fall, around 15 exchange students from several different countries (Germany, Italy, Indonesia, Israel, Portugal, and Ukraine) will come to Howard County for a life changing year.

You can help your family to learn about another part of the world! Host families volunteer to provide room and board for a student. Exchange students attend your child’s local high school. If you would like more information, please contact Christina McGarvey at (410) 997-7087 or email

Here’s the link:



Students for Social Justice Movie Night – May 21, 6:30 p.m.

A group of Wilde Lake High School (WLHS) students, the Students for Social Justice (S4SJ), has organized a movie night, the theme is that heroes can look different. We want to show kids that heroes can look like them. The movie night will take place Friday, May 21st, at 6:30 pm and end at around 8:30 pm.

First, the students will watch a movie short called Hair Love, rated for all. In Hair Love, “It follows the story of a man who must do his daughter's hair for the first time, and it features Issa Rae as a voice of the mother.” After the short is over, we will begin to watch the movie Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse, rated PG. It is a 1-hour 56-minute film where “Bitten by a radioactive spider in the subway, Brooklyn teenager Miles Morales suddenly develops mysterious powers that transform him into the one and only Spider-Man. When he meets Peter Parker, he soon realizes that there are many others who share his special, high-flying talents. Miles must now use his newfound skills to battle the evil Kingpin, a hulking madman who can open portals to other universes and pull different versions of Spider-Man into our world.”

After the movie, students will have the opportunity to participate in a discussion about it. They will also receive action steps they can take to make an impact in their community You can join the event using the Google Meet code wlhs-spiderman. We hope that you can make it! Thank you.


On behalf of the WLHS S4SJ



Date:    May 20, 2021

To:       All Staff and the Parent of ALL STUDENTS

From:   Greg Connor, Acting Grounds Manager

RE:      Pesticide Application


The purpose of this memorandum is to serve notice that the Grounds Service Department has scheduled a pesticide application to control Canadian Thistle in the environmental areas. Specifically, this is a spot application in the Storm Water Management Areas, Reforestation Areas, and along woods line where the weeds are present. The date for the application will be this weekend May 20-30, or June 5-6 , 2021. If unfavorable weather conditions or other extenuation circumstances arise, the intended pesticide application may have to be delayed or postponed to a later date. If the application cannot be made within 14 days of the original planned date a new notice will be issued. All precautions will be taken to insure the safety of students and staff however, state laws require that the following statement be included in this letter. The office of Pesticide Programs of the United States Environmental Protection Agency has stated that: “Where possible, persons who potentially are more sensitive, such as pregnant women and infants (less than two-years old), should avoid any unnecessary pesticide exposure.” A summary of the potential adverse effect of the pesticides is below.  Copies of any Material Safety Data Sheet and/or label for any pesticide being applied may be obtained by calling the school office. Should you have any questions regarding your school’s application date please contact Greg Connor at (410) 313-2577. Question about pest management should be addressed to Mark Hardin (410)-313-7180.





Notification is hereby made that an application of the pesticide shown below was made on this site to control Canadian Thistle


School Name:                          Marriotts Ridge High School

Date:                                       May 29-30 Or June 5-6 2021

Application Locations: Environmental Areas

PRODUCT NAME:   Lontrel                       

COMMON NAME:    clopyralid


HEALTH HAZARD DATA: Eye: May cause very slight temporary corneal injury. Vapor may cause irritation experienced as mild discomfort and redness. Skin: Prolonged contact may cause moderate skin irritation with local redness. Prolonged skin contact is unlikely to result in absorption of harmful amounts. Ingestion: Very low toxicity if swallowed. Inhalation: Vapor concentrations are attainable which could be hazardous on single exposure.


Copies of Material Safety Data Sheet and /or label for any pesticide being applied may be obtained by calling the school office.


Graduation Updates:


Details sent out last week can be found here.


Graduation Tickets

HCPSS was able to release two additional tickets per family! Each senior participating in person will be provided with four guest tickets, two for the pavilion and two for the lawn area. Each senior will receive two MPP numbered tickets for their guests who will sit in the pavilion area and two HCPSS graduation tickets for the lawn area. Tickets will be color coded to denote the specific graduations for the lawn area. Guests who have pavilion tickets will sit in the sections on the two sides and rear area of pavilion.  The center sections are reserved for graduate seating. Additional ticket requests cannot be made.

Handicapped seating

Graduate Seating

As is years past, MRHS graduates will process in alphabetical lines to their seats in the center section of the pavilion. Students will be spaced out within those rows. Specific seat assignments will be made available at rehearsal on 5/28.


Thursday, May 27 11 AM- 2 PM Auditorium Car Loop

  • Cap, gown, mask and other regalia pick up
  • Drop off of Chromebooks, textbooks and other HCPSS materials
  • Additional details here.

Friday, May 28 9:00-10:30 AM MRHS Stadium

  • Panoramic photo in cap and gown
  • Graduation dress rehearsal
  • Senior send off
  • Additional details here.

HCC in the Know: JumpStart Cost Savings Seminar

 Please share the below information in your school newsletters and other communication channels: 

Thursday, May 20 from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m., the Howard Community College JumpStart team will discuss how students can save on the costs of college by participating in the JumpStart dual enrollment program. Click here to register!


The deadline for ordering a yearbook is Monday, May 24. There is a link on the school’s website. 


Linked here for your convenience:


The yearbook Staff has worked hard and has overcome challenging circumstances to create a book that documents this historic school year. This is one book you will want to have. There are limited copies still available to purchase – once they are gone, they are gone. We do not have the ability to order extras or print more yearbooks, so please ORDER TODAY to guarantee your copy.