Digital Testing for Advanced Placement (AP)
For students who have signed up and paid for digital versions of the AP exams, the first digital exams start on May 18th. Digital exams must be taken at their scheduled time slot of 12pm and 4pm Eastern Standard Time. Due to the timing of the exams and capacity for at school testing, HCPSS is requiring that digital test takers participate in the exam from home. Please visit the AP Digital Testing App resource document to check software and schedules in preparation for testing.
Students must login to the AP Digital Testing App 1–3 days before each exam day to complete setup. Please review steps 2-4 on the 4 Steps to Take a Digital Exam website to ensure that students are ready to test.
From the Art Teachers:
In this crazy year, some things have still managed to happen! The annual Howard County Junior Senior Show is now live online! Take a look at what juniors and seniors across the county in advanced art classes have produced. Our representatives are: seniors - Montana Ignacio, Seungeun Hyun, Isabel Kendall, Brynn Lyons, Alex Mulroe, Youna Kang, Allyson Peffall, and Juniors Leslie Lin, Amanda Windsor. Our senior speaker is Isabel Kendall.
Please join us in congratulating these students! Their hard work and dedication despite the challenges of virtual learning is inspiring.
National History Day Winners!
Congratulations to Nadia Ghaicepour. Her History Day project, How Jacob Riis Illuminated the Nation's Darkest Corners, received the Award for Excellence in Civic Action and Engagement, sponsored by the Maryland Council for the Social Studies!
Additionally, Lynn Rashid, Media Specialist, was named Maryland History Day Teacher of the Year!
Congratulations on these tremendous accomplishments!
Click here to read more about these well-deserved honors.
Attention Seniors and Students Leaving HCPSS
- Seniors and students leaving HCPSS should download their documents from GSuite by the end of June. Directions for downloading GSuite files can be found here in the Canvas Student Technology Resources course. Please contact Mrs. Rashid or Mr. Schemm with questions!
- All students leaving HCPSS must return their HCPSS issued devices. Chromebook return will happen on 5/27 for seniors and at the June textbook return for students in grades 9-11.
Student Chromebook Update
- All students who will remain enrolled in HCPSS for the 2021-2022 school year may continue to borrow the device(s) assigned to them over the summer. Refer to these Chromebook Care guidelines to ensure that the devices are kept safe over the summer.
- Families who do not wish to keep possession of HCPSS technology device(s) may return them to their school or Technology Support Center. Students who do not want to keep the device over the summer can return the Chromebooks at textbook return in June.
Troubleshooting Common Chromebook Issues
- Issues with cameras, mics and Chrome browsers can often be solved with these Chromebook maintenance solutions. Check them out!
- Power issues are becoming more common and can usually be solved by plugging in the Chromebook and resetting the device. If your Chromebook won't turn on even after charging it, use these directions to reset the device.
HoCo Film Fest Tonight!
This Friday, May 14th @ 7:00pm, pop some popcorn, grab a comfy spot in front of the TV, and watch the 2021 Howard County Student Film Festival! Students from all over the county have submitted entries to the Film Fest to show off their film making skills. Watch what they created, and see who the winners will be, by going to our HoCo Film Fest YouTube Channel and watching the 2021 HoCo Film Fest Playlist, which will be uploaded by 7:00pm. We hope you tune in to watch all of our amazing student films!
HCC in the Know: JumpStart Cost Savings Seminar:
Thursday, May 20 from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m., the Howard Community College JumpStart team will discuss how students can save on the costs of college by participating in the JumpStart dual enrollment program. Click here to register!
Yearbook Orders – Deadline May 24!
The deadline for ordering a yearbook is Monday, May 24. There is a link on the school’s website.
Linked here for your convenience:
The yearbook Staff has worked hard and has overcome challenging circumstances to create a book that documents this historic school year. This is one book you will want to have. There are limited copies still available to purchase – once they are gone, they are gone. We do not have the ability to order extras or print more yearbooks, so please ORDER TODAY to guarantee your copy.
From the PTSA:
Global College Search Webinar: ACT | SAT | Test-Optional | Test-Blind – What You Should Consider and Useful Strategies May 18th, 7-8 pm EST
This presentation will address several topics around standardized tests and test preparation that have become of an increasing concern especially among high school students & parents who are starting their college search and application process.
They are:
Should you take the SAT/ACT?
What are the different ways you can prepare for the test?
A review of some of his insider tips for successfully improving your score.
Join us as we have an open discussion about this topic, how student are approaching this part of the admissions application, our advice and more.
Joining us in this discussion is Phil McCaffrey, the Owner of 3RPrep, one of our partners at Global College Search that specializes on SAT and ACT preparation and tutoring services. Phil has a long career in test preparation and tutoring. Over the years, he has successfully prepared hundreds of students by identifying the gaps in their knowledge that is required to do well on these exams and then helping them to fill that gap. Additionally, he works with them on other relevant testing strategies that improve their scores.
We'll see you soon for this timely discussion & important topic!
CLICK HERE to register for this free opportunity or go to to find out more!