AP digital exams that are taken at home begin on May 18th. It is imperative that students set up for each exam individually 1-3 days prior to the exam date! Students will need to log into the exam 30 minutes before the exam start time.
This document has more information on the AP Digital Testing app and has a Digital Exam Schedule with set up and check in times. https://docs.google.com/document/d/13yAWpoFOQ2Zu17vrinRdX9aIPFVDdXbMp8f7OqXU9W8/edit?usp=sharing
2021 AP Digital Testing Application The College Board is offering digital versions of 25 exams. Digital exams must be taken at their scheduled time slot of 12pm and 4pm Eastern Standard Time. Due to the timing of the exams and capacity for at school testing, HCPSS is requiring that digital test t...
Having trouble finding the grid menu on your HCPSS Chromebook? Follow these instructions: https://hcpss.instructure.com/courses/77796/pages/chromebook-kiosk-applications
This web page explains how students can use the practice exams to prepare for their exams. https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/about-ap-2021/updates/digital-exams/practice Practice exams give students a feel for the exam format and provide feedback with an answer key and scoring guidelines. Students should use the practice exams, to familiarize themselves with the equation editor that is used in math and science exams.
Digital Exam Practice – AP Central | College Board
Digital practice will roll out over several days. It will be added to the app starting April 8 and will be available for all digital exam subjects by April 12. We strongly recommend that students do digital practice before exam day. They’ll see each type of multiple-choice and/or free-response question on their exam. They’ll get to preview the pre-exam steps (exam setup and check-in), as ...
If you have questions, please email Mrs. Scott at lisa_scott@hcpss.org or call MRHS 410-313-5568 during school hours.
Technical support is not available during digital Advanced Placement (AP) exams. Students who lose connectivity or have an issue with the Digital Testing App should attempt to quickly log back into the exam to resume testing. Support is not available because the exam time continues to progress for all students. The time lost during technical support would negatively impact the student's score.
Students who are unable to get logged back in, experiencing technical difficulties, or other disruptions, must submit makeup requests within the AP portal after the exam.