Exam Payment - Students will NOT be allowed to take an AP exam if the exam has not been paid for. As a reminder, even if the AP portal shows a date and time for an exam, students will not be admitted to the exam room if payment for the exam has not been processed. If you are unsure of whether you have paid for your exam, please email Mrs. Scott at lisa_scott@hcpss.org.
Location -- In-person exams will be administered at Marriotts Ridge High School, except for Chinese Language and Music Theory (Separate information has been sent to those students).
Testing Dates -- In-Person Testing occurs May 3rd through June 4th. Check the MyAP Student Portal for the date and time of your specific exams.
Note about Illness -- If you have any symptoms or feel unwell, do not come to in-person testing. You can arrange for an alternative testing time and/or makeup exam. Please email Mrs. Scott (lisa_scott@hcpss.org) or call the school (410-313-5568) to let her know not to expect you for that date and to work on arranging a makeup time.
Arrival/Pick-Up Times -- All students should arrive no later than 7:30 am for an 8:00 am exam and 11:30 am for a 12:00 pm exam.
If you need to be picked up, all morning exams should be finished by 11:30 am, and all afternoon exams should be finished by 4:00 pm.
Be sure to bring the following:
A mask that covers your mouth and nose. You will need to wear this within the building at all times.
Pencils (NO mechanical pencils) and black or blue ink pens.
Photo ID – government issued or school ID.
A water-bottle and a snack for the break.
For AP Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, Physics, or Statistics, you may bring up to two calculators. Visit the College Board website and click on the link for their course for the specific calculator policy. We will not have calculators to borrow due to Covid protocols.
For AP Spanish, French, or Italian, bring your fully-charged school-issued Chromebook. You will need this for the speaking portions of the exam. Personal devices cannot be used to take any AP world language exam.
If you are taking two exams on the same day, bring a lunch with you.
Prohibited Items:
Phones and Smart Watches are not permitted. Additionally, watches that beep or have alarms are prohibited. If you bring either of these items, they will be bagged, labeled, and kept with Mrs. Scott, AP Coordinator, for the duration of the test.
If you bring your cell phone or smart watch, you will submit it to Mrs. Scott before testing, and will retrieve it after testing.
Backpacks and other personal belongings will be kept in the front of the testing room. After testing has begun, students will not be allowed to access the items until they are dismissed.
No food or drink is allowed in the testing area. If you have two tests on the same day, your lunch will be kept in the front of the testing room.
Parking/Parent Drop-Off -- Students should park in the student parking lot ONLY. Parents should only drop off students at Auditorium entrance on Woodford Drive, NOT the BUS LANES or the faculty parking lot. You can access the student parking lot by going past the first entrance and turning in at the next right. Students will return to this parking lot area for pickup after the exams are completed.
Entrance Protocols -- The majority of exams will occur in the Main Gym with some exams in classrooms and the Media Center. After parking/drop-off, walk to the Auditorium entrance. You will be asked to turn in your cell phones and smart watches (in an envelope labeled with your name).