AP Exam Payment Information:
Below are details on how to pay for AP exams. Payment for all AP exams is due by April 16th. Avoid the rush, pay before Spring Break!
- The fee for each AP exam is $95.
- Students who qualify for a reduced exam fee pay $15/exam. (Details on eligibility: AP Exam Fee Reductions - AP Central | College Board)
- Any payment made by check must be for the full amount. The check should be made out to MRHS and the student's name should appear on the “memo” line. Checks should be mailed to MRHS, attn: Lisa Scott, 12100 Woodford Dr, Marriottsville, MD 21104. If the student has classes at MRHS during hybrid learning, payment may be dropped off in the mailbox outside of the Testing Office, room 247.
- Online payments can be accessed via Online Payments under Essential Applications on the MRHS homepage. There is a 4% handling fee for online payments.
- Payment deadline is April 16th. If you decide not to take the exam after making a payment, there will be no cancellation fee and exam payment will be refunded.
Questions? Please email Mrs. Scott, AP Coordinator, at lisa_scott@hcpss.org or call MRHS (410-313-5568) during school hours.