Information for Seniors

Cap and Gown Ordering

All seniors who plan to participate in graduation must have a cap and gown!

  • Caps, gowns and other graduation merchandise can be ordered online from Balfour. 
  • Students purchasing only the cap and gown or a cap and tassel to accompany a borrowed cap and gown can order here. You will need to create an account to access the site.
  • Blue caps and gowns may be borrowed from a previous MRHS graduate within the last four years; this ensures color and fabric type will match the current style.
  • All caps and gowns ordered through Balfour will be delivered to the school and distributed to students in May.
  • A product brochure and mail in order form can be accessed here.
  • The ordering deadline is April 1st. Prices increase after this date!

Questions?  Contact Mrs. Rashid.

Graduation Speaker Auditions

Here are the details of graduation activity speaker auditions for 2021.

While we don't know exactly what the spring will bring or what graduation will look like, the tradition of incorporating student speakers will continue. 

Please contact Mrs. Rashid with any questions!

Senior T-Shirt Orders

Order NOW through March 26th

Class of 2021 sweatshirt orders can be placed online through Custom Ink until March 26th! To reduce the cost, all items are being shipped to MRHS and we will arrange for student pick up. This is not a fundraiser, students are paying Custom Ink's cost based on an order of 200 items. The name arrangement on the back of the sweatshirt does not currently reflect the design changes from the Custom Ink art department.