2021 AP Exam Registration Directions


Steps to Register

You MUST use a Join Code provided by your teacher to join the class before you can register for an exam. Log into https://myap.collegeboard.org/loginto use the Join Code.

Complete the Google registration form. This must be submitted for first semester classes and self-study exams by November 12, 2020 and for second semester classes by March 11, 2021.

Exam Fees and Deadlines

The exam fee is $95/exam ($15/exam for fee waiver eligible students)

There will benofee for cancelling an exam.

1st Semester deadline is November 13th. Registrations received after this date will result in a College Board $40 late registration fee. 

Self-study/"exam only" deadline is November 9th. Registrations received after this date will result in a College Board $40 late registration fee. 

2nd Semester deadline is March 12th.



Any payment made by check must be for the full amount. The check should be made out to MRHS and the student name should appear on the “memo” line. 

Online payments can be accessed via Online Payments under Essential Applications on the MRHS homepage. There is a 4% handling fee for online payments.

Payment for each exam will be required in March/April 2021 (to be determined); however, if you decide not to take the exam, there will benocancellation fee.


Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) are available to students with documented disabilities. If you have already been approved for an accommodation through the College Board, you must put your SSD number in the space provided. If you have a disability but have not yet documented it with the College Board, please contact your school counselor immediately. 

REQUIRED SIGNATURES (Please refer to the Google Registration Form)

Parents Must Give Permission for Off-Campus Testing

Regardless of the testing location, parents must give permission for students to be away from their regularly scheduled classes to participate in AP testing and to leave the school premises if necessary. Parents and students must acknowledge that they are responsible for transportation to and from the exam sites. HCPSS will not be providing any transportation services to exam sites. Permission is given when a parent or guardian virtually signs the appropriate box on the form.

Fee Reduction

Economic issues should not prevent a student from taking an AP exam. The College Board allows fee reductions for students with acute financial need. Additionally, there are Howard County funds that provide assistance. Students who are eligible for free or reduced-cost lunches (under the National School Lunch Act) qualify for fee reductions for each exam they take. To apply for any financial aid, complete the appropriate box of the form.