**Action Required**
Student Code of ConductThe HCPSS Student Code of Conduct provides a framework to support behavioral goals and disciplinary policies. All students are expected to be aware of and abide by this Student Code of Conduct. Parents/guardians are encouraged to read the Student Code of Conduct carefully and to discuss the information with their children. Staff will follow the Student Code of Conduct when supporting students and determining consequences for violations. Additional information about school system practices, policies and services available to support and enrich learning can be found in the HCPSS Student and Parent Handbook.
Academic Dishonesty/Plagiarism
Academic dishonesty through cheating, copying, plagiarizing, or altering records, or assisting another in such actions will not be tolerated. Plagiarizing, such as by taking someone else’s work or ideas, cheating or other actions taken by a student that is deemed inappropriate based on information, rules, guidelines or procedures found in Policy 8120 - Testing: State and Local Responsibilities and Protocols may result in disciplinary action.
Responsible Use of Technology and Social Media
Policy 8080 - Responsible Use of Technology and Social Media
Students must act in a responsible, civil, ethical and appropriate manner when using technology for HCPSS-sanctioned activities. Students may not reveal personally identifiable information (e.g., home phone numbers, addresses or social security numbers) except in specific circumstances where such information is required to complete academic assignments. In such circumstances, prior written consent from the parent or legal guardian of the student is required.
To ensure student safety and acceptable standards of technology use, all students will be given instruction on the responsible use of technology and social media.
Students will access only those network resources for which they have obtained permission, using the account assigned to them.
Students will not create, access, share, download, store or print content that:
Depicts profanity, obscenity, the use of weapons, terrorism, or violence.
Promotes use of tobacco, drugs, alcohol, or other illegal or harmful products.
Contains sexually suggestive messages.
Is sexually explicit or obscene.
Depicts gang affiliation.
Contains language or symbols that demean an identifiable person or group or otherwise infringe on the rights of others.
Causes or is likely to cause a disruption to school activities or the orderly operation of the school.
Contains rude, disrespectful or discourteous expressions inconsistent with civil discourse or behavior.
Constitutes bullying, cyberbullying, harassment or intimidation in violation of Policy 1040 - Safe and Supportive Schools, or Policy 1060 - Bullying, Cyberbullying, Harassment, or Intimidation.
If a student, while using HCPSS sanctioned technology or social media, discovers that another student may be the target of bullying, stalking or other harmful behavior, the student must report the findings to a teacher or administrator. The school system reserves the right to enable or disable interactive features on social media to remove content that is inconsistent with the stated purpose,mission, and guidelines posted for the use of social media. The school system may access, monitor, archive, audit, purge or disclose the public contents of material that is created, stored or accessed through personal social media when possible and permitted by law.
Failure by any student to comply with this policy will result in the temporary or permanent termination of technology access privileges, in addition to any applicable disciplinary action or financial obligation.
Student and Parent/Guardian Signature Page -Please review the 2020 Marriotts Ridge High School Student Handbook, the HCPSS Student Code of Conduct and related policies with your student. Your electronic signatures denote that you have received access to and are aware of the policies specific to HCPSS and Marriotts Ridge High School. The electronic record of the signature page submission will be maintained as part of the records for Marriotts RIdge High School. Please complete the signature form below.
Marriotts Ridge High School Student Handbook Signature Page