Toys for Tots Drive

Starting December 7th, the MRHS Chapter of the National Honor Society will be hosting its annual Toys For Tots Drive to support families in our community this holiday season!

Donations can be made two ways:

  1. Contact-less drop off at MRHS of new, unwrapped toys
    1. 12/7 – 12/11 - There will be a drop off bin out in front of the main office from 8:30 am – 3:00 pm
    2. 12/12 – There will be a drive through, contactless drop off between 11am-12pm
      1. Please use the bus lane and do not get out of your car
  2. Monetary donations can be made on the MRHS fundraising page here

Last year, MRHS donated over 300 toys and $750 to the Toys for Tots campaign – Let’s keep the holiday season bright for the children and families in need in our community!