Greetings from the Ridge:
I hope that you have had the chance to enjoy some of the spring temperatures over the past few weeks by taking a walk, run, or getting your pet outdoors for some fresh air.
I want to update you on what we are doing to respond to the spreading of infectious diseases. Dr. Martirano put out his most recent update on 3/3/2020 at 5:07 PM. He is in regular communication with Howard County Health Department and the Office of Emergency Management. You can access all his updates on the HCPSS website.
I sent out a message on 3/4/2020 at 2:15 PM sharing the community presentations about COVID-19 that are available at our local libraries.
Below is what we are doing at MRHS to keep our students practicing good hygiene. Please help us by reinforcing this at home with your student.
- We are reminding students, via the PA system, to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds. They should wash their hands frequently during the day.
- We have 2 hand sanitizer dispensers in the cafeteria, placed where students walk in for their lunch shift.
- Soap dispensers and paper towel holders are being monitored and filled as needed. We know the volume used by students and staff will be on the increase. The custodial office has plenty to replenish our supply if we run low on these supplies.
- Students are welcome to bring their own hand sanitizer with them to school in their backpack or with their lunch box, if so desired.
- I am encouraging you and your family to still get a flu shot, it is not too late according to health officials.
- If your child is sick, please keep them home. We want them to focus on getting well, the focus on the academics will come later when they are feeling better. I encourage you to take them to see a doctor.
- We have plenty of hand sanitizer supplied to us from the custodial office. If you care to donate hand sanitizer to us, we will gladly accept it, be grateful for it, and use it within the building. Please drop it off in the front office.
- Wearing a mask when a child is not sick actually causes more harm than good to the person wearing it because the bacteria builds up from the moisture put out by our own bodies.
- Our nurse and health assistant have specific protocol to follow when a student comes to the health room displaying signs of being ill.
We are moving forward with “business as usual”. Please know that I make your students a priority every single day and I will continue to update you when I receive new information.
Tammy Goldeisen