Boosters Fundraiser Information - Mustang Madness

    Boosters Fundraiser Information  

Mustang Madness & Superbowl Squares

Mustang Madness Early Bird Ticket Sale Starts TODAY   Early Bird Tickets are on SALE now for $40 to the 15th annual Mustang Madness Auction Fundraising event presented by the Marriotts Ridge Mustangs Booster Club.  This is our largest fundraiser of the year and you don’t want to miss it!  You also don’t want to miss this 4 DAY ONLY SALE.  Ticket prices go up to $50 after January 24.   Event Date: ​Saturday March 7, 2020 Location: Main Stage Grille (formerly Players Bar & Grill) in the Waverly Woods Shopping Center Time:  7pm to 11pm Join other MRHS parents and staff for a night of fun and fundraising with dinner, a live band, raffles, silent auction and prizes including a wine & spirits pull.   Our featured band and longtime MRHS supporter is Badmoon!   Don’t miss Early Bird Pricing! $40/Ticket Starting January 21-January 24 Only Click here to purchase tickets: $50 from January 25th to March 5th at midnight (end of online purchase) $60 at the door   Donations: Your help is needed.  If you have game tickets, vacation property, restaurant or other retail business gift cards, services or items that you are willing to donate, please contact one of the Mustang Madness Auction Committee Members below or click on this link for the donation form on our MRHS Boosters website. Donations will be collected until March 4.   Liz Page, or 410-707-5460 Stacey Seitchik, or 410-458-1707 Shelley Tolle, or 410-428-1229 We look forward to seeing you at the Mustang Madness Auction Event!   Buy Your Super Bowl Football Squares Now for just $20 a square! 50% of the squares are already sold! OK, it’s the Kansas City Chiefs vs the San Francisco 49ers.  Even if your favorite team is not in the Super Bowl, enjoy watching the Big Game and help raise money for the MRHS Booster Club.  The cost to play is only $20 per square and you could win up to $400!  Deadline to purchase is February 1st, or before once  all 100 squares are sold. Pay-Out Rules:
  • $200 at the end of the 1st Quarter
  • $200 at the end of the 2nd Quarter
  • $200 at the end of the 3rd Quarter
  • $400 for the final score (if game is tied at the end of 4th quarter, “final score” is at the end of overtime)
Winners will receive their money in February after all payments have been received.  It’s easy and fun! Here is what you do: 
  1. Click on the link for the website:
  2. User Name: mrhs      Password:mustangs
  3. Click on Enter your pick
  4. Click on the LINKS in the top right corner 
  5. CLICK HERE TO PAY and it will take you to “The Square” for payment.  
  6. Once all the squares have been selected, numbers 0-9 will be randomly generated across the top and down the side of the grid.
Please don’t hesitate to contact with any questions.