Today's Topics, 10/1/2019

AP Exam Registration

As you know, College Board adjusted the registration window for AP exams from spring to fall.  Marriotts Ridge has communicated these changes through Back to School Night, AP teachers, Today’s Topics, and the school’s homepage. As a result of the new timeline, AP Exam Registration opens on October 1st and closes November 1st. Any student who plans to take an AP exam in May must register during that window. Students received instructions through their teachers for how to register. These instructions are also available on the school’s homepage. Students must register in BOTH the MyAP Portal (which is new this year) and in Naviance (as they always have). The AP Portal is the only mechanism for ordering exams, and exams will only be ordered for students who go into the Portal and select the exams they want to take. They must do this for each exam, using the Join Code provided by their teacher. Naviance is how the school tracks payment, fee waivers, and permission for students to be off campus. It is essential the students complete both steps of the process. You can also find information on fees and exam location on the Marriotts Ridge homepage. If students have any questions, they can see Mrs. Scott in the Testing Office (next to room 249). You can also email Mrs. Scott at

Thank you for your understanding as we all navigate this new process.


Lisa Scott

A.P. Coordinator


PSAT Day – October 16, 2019


On October 14th, your child will be completing a student data questionnaire that is part of the October 16th Preliminary SAT (PSAT) assessment. The questionnaire consists of basic information for reporting scores (name, student id, school, sex and birth date) and a set of optional personal questions. Information on the data collected and how it can be used by CollegeBoard is located in the following student guides:



Your child will be asked if he/she would like to share the personal questionnaire information with eligible colleges, universities, scholarships, and educational opportunity programs (Item 14 for PSAT 8/9 and Item 15 for PSAT/NMSQT). If you do not want your child to share the data or complete the questionnaire please:


  • Advise your child to leave all optional questions blank and select “No” for Item 14 on PSAT 8/9 or Item 15 on PSAT/NMSQT.
  • Email the school’s PSAT Coordinator Tammy Foyles and indicate that you would like to opt your student out of the questionnaire data sharing.


Mustang Market - October 12, 2019


Mark Your Calendar for the Mustang Market - Crafts, Gifts & Food Trucks event! Saturday, October 12th, 2019 ~ 10 am - 3 pm at MRHS
Please join us at this family-oriented market featuring 60+ artisans, crafters and home-based businesses selling a variety of items including but not limited to pinball machines, origami, children books, woodcrafts, papercrafts, textiles, artwork, hand crafted jewelry, homemade and natural products, candles, home baked goods, quilts, seasonal decorations, porcelain dolls, stained glass and more!
Food Trucks: Pablo’s Toco’s (authentic Mexican street food - 100% gluten free & vegetarian friendly) and V’s Cheesesteak, Seafood & Wings. Great way to kick off your holiday shopping! For your listening enjoyment, the Marriotts Ridge High School Madrigals will be singing at this event.  Gallop on over to help support MRHS PTSA and our afterprom!
Use the link to see a current list of vendors       Do you belong to a Student Group or Parent Organization? The MRHS PTSA would like to invite you to have a booth space at our upcoming Mustang Market - Crafts, Gifts and Food Trucks event for FREE!! Saturday, October 12th, 2019  ~ 10 am - 3:00 pm at Marriotts Ridge High School This is a great opportunity to raise awareness for you group, and even fundraise!   Not crafty?  Not a problem! Get a donation to raffle off (i.e., a designer purse, gift cards to local restaurants, a basket full of your favorite snacks, etc.) Link to application: Questions? Contact Theresa Yodzis at       Volunteers Needed for the Mustang Market! Saturday, October 12th, 2019 Select from a variety of times and job descriptions. Students can get volunteer hours!!  Adult volunteers greatly needed too! Use this link to sign-up: Questions? Contact Theresa Yodzis at

Maryland Student Page Program


Each year, the Maryland Student Page Program hosts students from across the state to serve as pages. This coveted role involves keeping bill books updated for state legislature members, distributing materials on the legislative floor, answering phone calls, delivering messages, and running various errands. Marriotts Ridge can nominate one student to be considered for selection; he or she must be a mature and confident senior of at least 16 years with an interest in government, politics, service, or law. Interested students should complete the nomination form located outside Mr. Malt’s room (200) and write a 200 word (maximum) essay outlining why they and their experiences make them the best candidate to represent Howard County.


Application Due Date: Monday, October 7, 2019 in room 200 by 2:10PM


Lifetime Fitness Uniform Sales

Thank you all for your support for the Lifetime Fitness Uniform Sales. The uniforms were on such demand that we decided to reopen the order. If you would like to place an order please go on to the Online School Payment Account (OSP) to do so. If you are currently in Health and will be taking Lifetime Fitness next semester please place your order now. This will be the final order for the school year. The Deadline to place the order is next Wednesday, October 7th.

Social Studies National Honor Society – Interest meeting


The Social Studies National Honor Society will have an interest meeting for all interested and current members on October 2, 2019 during Mustang Time in room 200.


Social Studies NHS is an organization focused on service, engagement, and promotion of the Social Studies.  Application packets can be picked up at the meeting or outside of Mr. Malt's classroom (room 200).  STUDENTS with questions should contact Mr. Malt.


Membership Requirements:

Active members are current high school students chosen by the faculty selection committee and inducted into the society.  Active members are expected to maintain the eligibility standards by which they were selected for membership until graduation. Upon graduation, these members will become alumni members.  Active members have a voice and vote in chapter affairs. Active members shall:

  • demonstrate an ability to work with others, to conduct research and inquiry in the field of social studies, and shall possess the qualities of industry, initiative, and reliability as they pertain to academic excellence.
  • attend all scheduled meetings.
  • demonstrate a commitment to the program by participating in Social Studies NHS sponsored activities.  This will count toward your service hour requirements.
  • be currently in their junior or senior year at Marriotts Ridge High School.
  • maintain enrollment in social studies course(s) in 11th and 12th grades.  Being a social studies aid does not count.
  • have and maintain a 3.0 unweighted GPA across all coursework. (Reference GPA Calculator) 
  • have and maintain a 3.5 unweighted GPA across all social studies classes. (Reference GPA Calculator) 
  • remain in good academic and disciplinary standing with MRHS.
  • complete ten Social Studies related service hours throughout the course of the school year (5 per semester).
  • complete the membership application (new members) or retention form (current members).


Youth in Conversation

Youth in Conversation (YIC) is inviting all interested high school students to meet twice a month to have facilitated dialogues and create Podcasts. Our goals are to address the challenges and gifts of diversity, teach dialogue skills to use in difficult conversations and provide leadership opportunities for students to create environments where all feel welcome.  The first meeting for the 2019-2020 school year will be on October 14.  Email Rebecca Dietz at for more information and to sign up.

Youth in Conversation is a program of HoCo.Convo in collaboration with the HCPSS Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, the Howard County Office of Human Rights, the Local Children’s Board, the Columbia Association Multicultural Programs and the Mediation and Conflict Resolution Center.





Marriotts Ridge High School is providing the opportunity for families of MRHS Seniors to meet with counselors and college admission staff to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and related financial aid information on October 11th between 9:00 am and 2:30 pm at MRHS Media Center. Call or email Ms. Nelson  (410) 313-5446 for an appointment. 


To complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), the following information is required. This information must be brought with you when you come for your appointment:


a.         The student/parents FSA ID, if they already have one.

b.         The student/parents social security number

c.         A copy of the student and/or the parents 2018 Tax Returns, if they have filed taxes.

d.         A copy of the student and/or parents 2018 W2’s and,

e.         All 2018 untaxed income information. Untaxed information includes but is not limited to child support paid or received, housing, food, and other living allowances, veterans non-educational benefits, etc.






2020 Yearbooks are NOW ON SALE.  Current price is $78.    The best deal of the year.  This deal ends 10/26/19.   Price will go up . . . so ORDER TODAY online at




Are you or someone you know in need of assistance in the language of Spanish? The Spanish National Honor Society is now offering after school tutoring sessionsEvery Wednesday, starting from September 25, 2019, drop by Mrs. MaCabe’s classroom, room 314, from 2:15 to 3:00 to receive help from Spanish National Honor Society members. Students in all levels of Spanish are welcome. No signup is needed. ¡Gracias!





**The flu clinic at Marriotts Ridge High School will be held on Monday, October 28.  We will send a notice home the day he/she has been vaccinated. A paper copy of the consent will be coming home next week.


Please only complete one consent either online or paper for each student. Return all paper consents to the health room. Contact with any other questions/concerns. **


Class of 2020 Senior Class Ticket Information


The Senior Class Council is thrilled to be able to offer the “Senior Ticket.”  With the purchase of a Senior Ticket, members of the Class of 2020 can be a part of all the senior-only events throughout the year at a discounted rate.  


The Senior Ticket includes 

  • Senior Crab Feast - Monday, October 21, 2019
    • Catered event at MRHS with commemorative t-shirt and professional DJ
  • Senior Night Celebration - May 2020
    • Catered event at Turf Valley with professional DJ
  • Senior Class T-Shirt - May 2020


Senior Ticket Cost and Payment Options


Senior Tickets are $90 and will be sold online, September 18-27, as well as in person during all lunch shifts on September 26 and September 27


  • To purchase a Senior Ticket online through OSP, click on the provided link .  Students should bring their OSP receipt to the ticket sales table in the MRHS Commons on September 26 or September 27 to receive their Senior Ticket.  
  • To purchase a Senior Ticket in person, students must bring cash or check to the ticket sales table in the MRHS Commons during all lunch shifts September 26 and September 27.   


ALL obligations must be cleared before a student is permitted to purchase a senior ticket.  Students should check with Mrs. Lockhoff in the front office for obligation details.  


Questions? Contact Natalie Gaieski or Robin Grey, 2020 Class Advisors



Prospective New Student Information Night

Are you interested in learning about the fourteen dynamic and innovative Career Academies located at the ARL? If so you are invited to attend the Prospective New Student Information Night on Wednesday November 13th from 7:00-9:00 pm. Learn how Career and Technology Education (CTE) Career Academies provide high school students with opportunities to earn college credit, scholarships, and industry certifications, participate in worksite and mentorship experiences, and become creative problem solvers by participating in hands-on project based learning. More details here,

Junior Post-Secondary Planning Night – October 10


MRHS will be hosting a Junior Post-Secondary Planning Night on Thursday, October 10th at 6:30pm in the MRHS Auditorium.  This event is intended for the parents of current juniors.  Student Services staff will share information about planning for post-secondary education and tips for junior year.  It is highly encouraged for all junior parents to attend.