AP Exam Updates!

Congratulations on successfully completing your AP exam(s)! Following are important dates and information for AP exams:

May 26
May 26, 11:59 p.m. ET, is the deadline for  AP Computer Science Principles students to submit their performance tasks through the AP Digital Portfolio, and for AP Art and Design students to submit their digital portfolios via the digital submission web application.   May 27 On the morning of May 27, AP coordinators will have access to updated information indicating which students took the May exams and which students are eligible to take a June 1–5 makeup exam.   May 28 AP students who requested a makeup exam will be notified via email on May 28. If you do not receive an email from the College Board, please contact Mrs. Scott immediately at lisa_scott@hcpss.org.    Two Days Prior to Each Makeup Exam AP students who've been scheduled for a makeup exam will automatically receive an email containing their unique makeup exam e-ticket two days prior to each of their exams. Get the makeup exam schedule.    Free Score Report
Students should go to https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/sending-scores prior to June 20 to send their AP scores to one college. Scores can be sent to additional colleges for a fee. 
  HCPSS AP Survey
Please complete the following survey to share your at-home test-taking experience. The feedback will help us document technical problems and communicate concerns to the College Board. The form will collect your email address/login in case we need to follow up on specific issues. Please complete the form for each exam you have taken. Note: You must be logged into your HCPSS Google account before taking the survey. Go to https:hcpss.me/, login to GSuite, and then click the survey link.