Today's Topics, 6/5/19

Today’s Bell Schedule has been modified (1-2-3-5-4A-6) as we host 8th Grade Visitation Day with our annual Activities & Athletics Fair from 9:30-11:00 this morning.

Pr 1 – 7:25-8:15

Pr 2 – 8:20-9:10

Pr 3 – 9:15-10:10

Pr 5 – 10:15-11:10

Pr 4A – 11:15-1:15

A: 11:15-11:45

B: 11:45-12:15

C: 12:15-12:45

D: 12:45-1:15

Pr 6 – 1:20-2:10


School Counselor Caseloads for SY 2019-20

MRHS Student Services will be updating the school counselor caseloads for the 2019-2020 school year. The updated assignments are listed below. We encourage students who have been reassigned to make an appointment to get to know their new school counselor.

Mrs. Little ( – Last Names A-Ci

Mrs. Dubbs ( – Last Names Cl-H

Mrs. Baek ( – Last Names I-L

Ms. Nelson ( – Last Names M-R

Mr. Johnson ( – Last Names S-Z 




MRHS PTSA Meeting  Monday, June 10 @ 7pm, Student Services Office  So many great things happened this year with the MRHS PTSA – Hospitality for our educators, support staff and bus drivers. Many wonderful Reflections art submissions. Internet Safety guest speaker. HCDrugFree guest speaker. Senior banners. Senior Scholarships. An amazing After Prom party.  Please plan to attend our final meeting of the 2019-2020 school year. We will be celebrating this year’s successes, welcoming our new leadership and starting our event planning for the next year. Get involved, support the school and our students.  PLEASE COME – ALL ARE WELCOME!!



PLEASE FOLLOW us on FACEBOOK for MRHS PTSA news and events!


 “Volunteers are the only human beings on the face of the earth who reflect this nation’s compassion, unselfish caring, patience, and just plain loving one another.” – Erma Bombeck

  • Reflections Chair – This person would oversee the Reflections program which allows students to submit artistic works (i.e. paintings, photos, creative essays, music compositions, etc.) There is a Howard County Reflections program, so there are clear guidelines to the program. Let Sharon Blessing ( know if you are interested in helping with this.
  • Hospitality Team – If you would enjoy helping to coordinate and serve the MRHS staff several times during the year, this is for you! It’s a great way to get to know the teachers and a great way to show appreciation for the great education that they provide to our children. Let Sharon ( know if you’re interested.
  • After Prom Co-Chair – This position will be responsible for helping to plan the After Prom party. If interested in hearing more about this, we will plan to meet early this fall to make decisions about After Prom 2020! Please let Sharon ( know if you’re interested.
  • CAC Representative – If you are someone who is interested in policies that affect our students in Howard County, the Community Advisory Council works to improve policies that improve the education for our students. Please let Sharon ( know if you’re interested.




Next Meeting is Wednesday, June 12 @ 7PM