Today's Topics, 5/23/2019

HCPSS Connect will be unavailable tonight, 5/23, from 6-8 p.m. while updates are made. During this time parents will not be able to access Connect, including Canvas and Synergy, however students will be able to access Canvas. Once the update is complete, users may continue to log in as usual. 



Use the following link to the powerpoint presentation that Mrs. Rashid presented during your graduation rehearsals earlier this week.




The Alliance for Young Artists & Writers, the nonprofit organization that presents the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, announced Raymond Lennon as a Silver Medal winner in the Editorial Cartoon Category.  His work titled “Privacy” was selected by some of the foremost leaders I the visual and literary arts for excellence in originality, technical skill, and the emergency of a personal voice or vision. Receiving a National Medal places him winin the top 1% of all submissions!  Congratulations Raymond!!


Michael Wade tackles floodwater reduction and builds Ellicott City model scale model as part of his independent research class through the MRHS Gifted and Talented program.  Read his story as published in the Howard County Times.


ON TIME AND PRESENT!! The following students were rewarded with a Dunkin’ Donuts gift card for being on time and present each day for the two week period May 6-17. Congratulations to Michael Abadir, Kennedy Brown, Sydney Dabbah, Darius Wilson, Emma Clark, Andrea Figueroa, Aleksandra Gondek, Youna Kang, Jenis Kim, Maxwell Liu, Cameron McLaren, Jason Meyer, Brendyn Royster, and Shawn Selzer. 

You could be a winner, too! Be sure to be at school and on time by 7:25 a.m. each day to be eligible to win. The next drawing will take place on May 31 for the period May 20-31.



MRHS Class of 2019 selects Mr. Dubbs as their Teacher of the Year!  He will give the Keynote Address at this year’s Commencement Ceremony.

Congratulations to Mrs. Goldeisen for being a nominee for HCPSS Principal of the Year Award.  This award recognizes principals who go beyond the day-to-day demands of their position to create an exceptional educational environment.  Here at The Ridge, we think she is pretty darn exceptional!!!

We also congratulate MRHS staff members who were recently recognized for renewing their National Board Certification (NBC).  The NBC is the highest-level credential in the education profession.  Teachers who achieve National Board Certification have met rigorous standards through intensive study, self-assessment, peer review and expert evaluation. 

MRHS Renewal Achievers are:
  • Lorene Cannella, Computer Science
  • Lynn Rashid, Media Specialist
  • Marc Rosenberg, Project Lead the Way



News from the MRHS Testing Office

Please be reminded of the following dates for upcoming tests, as well as the scheduled dates for test make ups.

May 23rd & May 24th--Algebra 1 PARCC 

May 28th & May 29th--Algebra 2 PARCC (9th graders only)

May 30th--Algebra 1 PARCC Make Ups

May 31st--Algebra 2 PARCC Make Ups

June 3rd, 4th & 5th--Government HSA and PARCC Make Ups

The testing window will close after June 6th. Please encourage your student to make every effort to be in school on these dates if they are testing.



Parent Canvas Satisfaction Survey Families are invited to take a brief survey about their experience using the Canvas Learning Management System.  The anonymous survey is open until 11:59 p.m. on Monday, June 3.  Students also are invited to take a survey geared toward their experiences.    Use these survey links:  Family Survey     Student Survey


Volunteer Service Hour Opportunities