News from MRHS Parent Groups
Boosters Panera Bread Fundraiser – Monday April 1st – No Fooling! – 6-9 p.m.- Visit the Panera Bread Restaurant on Monday night and 10% of all proceeds will come back to Marriotts Ridge.
- The Panera Bread Catonsville restaurant proceeds will go to the Boosters Club and the Eldersburg location proceeds will go the Music Foundation.
- Get involved with your child’s life by joining a Boosters Committee.
- We have positions large and small that can be done on your schedule.
- Looking for help on committees including: PR/Media, Concessions, Hitching Post Store, Auction, Sponsors.
- Contact Lorraine Miano-Fike at with any questions.
- Volunteer for a shift at the Concessions booth and have fun with other parents!
- Use the Concessions Sign-up Genius for complete schedule and availability.
- Classes: April 1st – 23rd and May 15th – 30th
- To Register go to the Boosters Website:
- Something for everybody . . . 1st thru 12th grade!
- New this year . . . Flag Football and Cheer camps.
- $150 during Early Bird registration; on or before 5/18/19
- Complete information including schedule is on the Boosters website.
- Is it true that Boosters is the prime fundraising organization for the school?
- A: Yes! Boosters funds ALL extracurricular activities not only Athletics but Clubs, Music & Drama and much more. We are the organization that pays for Tournament Fees, Uniforms, Equipment, Sound Systems, Signage, Banners, Cameras, Informational Speakers, etc.
- Does my student benefit from Boosters if they don’t play a sport?
- A: Yes! If your student has ever sat on a bench, filled their water bottle up at a drinking fountain, looked at the electric sign in front of school, listened to the band or assembly speakers, played ping pong in the commons or participated in any clubs or teams, then they have enjoyed things that Boosters funds to make MRHS so extraordinary.
Jazz at the Ridge / April 11 @ 7pm Come enjoy some fantastic jazz music featuring Technicolor MotorHome with the MRHS Big Band and MVMS Jazz Band. Tickets $10 in advance, $12 at the door; Special family rate available with two paying adults. For tickets email Save the Date! Mattress Sale Fundraiser – May 11 If you are considering the purchase of a new mattress, wait to make your purchase until May 11 and support the Music Foundation! As in past years, the sale will include name brands at competitive prices. Share the announcement from our Facebook page! Thank you for your support!!PTSA
The next PTSA meeting is Monday, April 8th, 7pm, Student Services office. We invite members of KPO, CAPO, and IPO to come early at 6:45pm to socialize, meet the PTSA Board, and enjoy a cup of Chai Tea from Namaste. Come find out what’s happening at The Ridge! Senior Week Safety Night Hosted by HCDrugFree & MRHS PTSA April 1st, 7pm, Marriotts Ridge HS Auditorium Come hear from the Ocean City Police Department and find out ways to keep your child safe. Order Your Senior Banner TODAY! The cost is $35 per banner. Order form and payment are due by April 5. Scholarships – SENIORS DON’T WAIT!- MRHS PTSA Senior Scholarships – FOUR $1500 AWARDS!Application deadline is April 12 @ 2:30 p.m. application is available on the PTSA website or stop by Student Services.
- Maryland PTA Scholarship Application deadline is April 15 @ 4:30 p.m.
- Howard High School – Tuesday, April 2 @ 6:30 p.m.
- Hammond High School – Thursday, April 4 @ 6:30 p.m.
- Glenelg High School – Tuesday, April 9 @ 6:30 p.m.
- Mount Hebron High School – Wednesday, April 10 @ 6:30 p.m.
- Korean Parent Organization (KPO) - Chi Yon Barbosa,
- Chinese American Parent Organization (CAPO) - Lan Deng,
- Indian Parent Organization (IPO) - Shelly Arora,