Today's Topics, 3/12/2019

From the Health Room:

Vaccinate Before You Graduate!

In April, we will be holding in-school immunization clinics for 11th and 12th graders, offering Tdap, Meningitis, MenB, and HPV vaccinations. These vaccines may be required or recommended for college entry or employment. The vaccines will be offered at no cost to you. There is no co-pay or deductible. However, we will bill your insurance company, if you have insurance.

If you would like your child to be vaccinated, 

  • REGISTER ONLINE by MARCH 22, 2019 at: 
  • OR contact the Health Room for a paper version of the consent form.

Having your child vaccinated at school saves time and makes sure he/she is protected from serious diseases. Please contact Stacey Storm, RN with any questions/concerns 410-313-5419 or Thank you.


MARCH 14TH, 7-9 PM A night of performances from all parts of the MRHS community. Poetry, prose, music, and more!




REGISTER FOR AP EXAMS!!  Find all the necessary information on the MRHS AP website.   Late fees apply after March 29!


PROM TICKETS may be purchased online through OSP Online. Print your receipt and redeem for tickets during lunches the week of March 25-29.   Complete details are on the website.

Prom Guest Request Form, must be completed for any non-MRHS student guest.  Plan ahead, form requires signatures!