Today's Topics, 9/14/18

Please note the time change in tonight’s home football games.

9/14 FOOTBALL vs Hammond @ MRHS

Varsity @ 4pm / JV @ 7pm    Gate Admission: $3 Students, $4 Adults

We still have 232 students with incomplete Family File (Emergency Form)

Individual emails are being sent to the parent/guardian of these students.  If you receive an email notice, PLEASE take 10 minutes to login to Canvas and complete this very important task.  Should an emergency occur during the school day, the administration MUST have access to correct parent/guardian contact information.  We are also striving to be the first HCPSS high school to be 100% complete!!!


Start With Hello Week, September 17-21

Start With Hello Week is the perfect opportunity to welcome students back to school and to engage students around sustaining a culture of inclusiveness and connectedness throughout the school year. Social isolation is the overwhelming feeling of being left out, lonely or treated like you are invisible. Young people who feel this way may pull away from society, struggle with learning and social development, or choose to hurt themselves or others. This year we are charging our student leaders to take the lead and reach out to our newest mustangs and begin conversations. Active Minds and Student Services will be conducting activities and initiatives throughout the week. Join us as we encourage the MRHS student body to take small but powerful actions to promote connectedness and inclusion, and to identify and help others who are showing signs of social isolation.



Hosted by MRHS Student Services

Senior Post-Secondary Planning Night

Thursday, 9/20 at 6:30 pm in the auditorium

This evening is an opportunity for parents/guardians to learn more about the in-house transcript and recommendation request process.  We will discuss utilizing Naviance during the senior year to support students through the college planning process.




United States Senate Youth Program  Marriotts Ridge High School is seeking to nominate ONE student to participate in the United States Senate Youth Program.  The program was developed for outstanding high school student leaders interested in political science.  The objective of the program is to provide these students with an opportunity to observe and converse with elected and appointed government officials at the national level.

A $10,000 scholarship will be awarded to each student participating in the program.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • High school juniors or seniors currently serving in any of the following elected or appointed positions during the school year 2018-2019 are eligible for nomination: 
  • Student Body president, vice president, secretary, or treasurer
  • Class president, vice president, secretary, or treasurer
  • Student council representative
  • Student representative elected or appointed to a local, district, regional, or state-level civic, service, and/or educational organization approved by the state selection administrator 

Please contact Mr. Malt ( if you are interested in being nominated by Monday 9/17/2018.



2017-18 Yearbooks  A few yearbooks are available.  If you are interested in a copy of last year’s yearbook, please see Ms. Wichmann in room 302.   FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE!



The Speech and Debate Team will have their introductory meeting this Monday,September 17, at 7PM in the auditorium.  All interested in participating in Speech and Debate are welcome!



Volunteers needed to help with the PTSA Restaurant Raffle!

If interested in lending a hand, please join us for a very quick meeting on

Monday, September 17th at 7:00pm in the Staff Lounge. 

Questions? Contact Theresa Yodzis at



Support Marriotts Ridge Music Foundation through America's Best Loved Candle,Yankee Candle®'! Yankee Candle sales are running now through October 8. Music students earn 35% of their sales toward their Spring Trip account, AND the Music Foundation benefits as well! Contact a music student now to order from the catalog filled with over 150 trusted items!  Catalogs are also available in the Front Office (orders not placed with a music student will support the general fund).  Perfect gift ideas ready for pickup mid-November! 



Junior Achievement Rising Women

Meets on Wednesdays, 5pm-7pm from Oct 3, 2018 – Jan 16, 2019 at the Maryland Center for Entrepreneurship  JA Rising Women is a unique after-school opportunity for female high school students in Howard County who are interested in exploring their entrepreneurial potential.  Under the guidance of businesswomen in Howard County who serve as mentors, you and your JA Rising Women team will conceptualize and idea for a product or service, capitalize your venture, market your offerings, and reap the profits!  Whatever your interests or strengths, there is a place for you in the student company.  JA Rising Women requires a certain level of commitment, which you must be willing make.  The program is a great experience, but relies on the effort of the students involved to make it successful.

There is no cost associated with this program and it's a great experience to include in your college application or resume. In addition, participants who complete the program may be eligible for scholarship, internships and other unique opportunities. To be considered for the program, students must complete and submit an application packet by September 21, 2018.  For more details and application requests, please contact Nick Anderson at 410-363-7695 or



Parent Volunteers -- According to HCPSS Board Policy, each year all parent volunteers must complete a Confidentiality Training Course about protecting the privacy of our students, staff, and schools. Please complete this course before registering to volunteer at your child’s school. The course takes about 5 minutes to complete.   For more information and to complete the training, click here.   





Follow us on twitter:  @hcpss_mrhs




Music Foundation: