Mustang Community Opportunities & Events

MRHS Back-to-School is Thursday Night!

Parents/Guardians, we look forward to seeing you at Back-to-School!

Thursday, Sept. 6

6:30 in the Auditorium

Bring a paper or electronic copy of your student’s schedule. 

Paper copies will NOT be available this year.



Ravens RISE High School Football Showdown


Our varsity football team’s game next week on September 14th is one of three local games currently in a poll to be featured as the Ravens RISE High School Football Showdown…and now we need your help to have our game selected as the winner!

All you need to do to help our chance at winning is cast your vote for our game at  Voting ends 9/11 @ 5p.m.

If we win, our game will receive visits from Baltimore Ravens Cheerleaders and mascot, Poe, and be highlighted in the Baltimore Sun with a game recap and photos. Plus, we will also receive a $1,500 for our athletic department and t-shirts for the student-athletes playing in the game.  

Now, take out your phones and start voting at Baltimore Ravens dot com backslash Ravens RISE Showdown!


News from Music Foundation, PTSA, Boosters, and Community Events of Interest


MRHS Music Foundation News

The MRHS Music Foundation is a non-profit corporation that was created to support the bands, choral groups, and orchestras at Marriotts Ridge High School.  As a student, or a parent of a student, in one of the performance ensembles, your family is automatically a valued member of the Music Foundation.

Join Our Email List!  ALL MUSIC STUDENTS AND PARENTS are encouraged to join our email list as soon as possible for music program news, events, fundraisers and more!  We have already been sending emails to our members since August, so if you are not receiving them, please join the list or check your spam folder.  To join, please go to - then click “About the Music Foundation” on the left sidebar and scroll down


Back to Music Night - Tuesday, September 11 7:30pm in the MRHS Auditorium following the Safe Driving Presentation!  ALL MUSIC PARENTS ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND to learn about plans for our new year of the Excellent MRHS Music Program!  

  • Hear from our Music Directors 
  • Learn about Upcoming Music Events
  • Details of our Fall Fundraisers - Start saving for Spring Trip and Support the Music Program!
  • News of our Spring Trip!

All attendees will be entered in a DRAWING for DOOR PRIZES!

Meetings  Please join us on Thursday, October 4th at 7PM in Student Services.  Board meetings are usually held on the first Thursday of each month in the Student Services office.  All music parents are welcome and encouraged to attend to hear music program news from the directors, and hear about exciting events and fundraisers being planned by the Music Foundation!

Music Foundation Web Site at  To learn more about the Music Foundation, please visit our web site!




We invite you to attend our Ice Cream Social / Board Meeting on Wednesday, September 12 beginning at 6PM in the MRHS Cafeteria.  We will have time to socialize, eat ice cream and also conduct some PTSA Executive Board business.   All are invited to attend!! 


It’s time to enroll your grocery store rewards cards!  MRHS PTSA has the opportunity to participate in and earn CASH from A+ School Reward (Giant/Martins) and Together-in- Education (Harris Teeter) reward programs.   Great fundraising programs run through our local grocery stores with NO cost to you but a great benefit to our school! 

         Harris Teeter requires re-enrollment each year.   Giants and Martins are automatically re-enrolled each year, so encourage your family and friends to register in support of MRHS!

         Thanks for taking the time to enroll your card and supporting MRHS students, teachers, and parents! Visit the PTSA website (under Info/Forms) for links to enroll. 

Do shop with  Amazon?  Amazon donates to MRHS PTSA when you shop @AmazonSmile   At no cost to you, but having a big impact on us, shop on Amazon thru our school’s dedicated link, bookmark this link to use each time, and all your eligible shopping will benefit our school!

Thanks for supporting our school with these easy ways!


PTSA MEMBERSHIP Please join the PTSA to support our parents, teachers and students at MRHS! Go to our new website to join or to make a donation online  Or download a paper form and submit with payment to the PTSA drawer in the Front Office.



Mustang Boosters Club

Meeting: September 12th at 7:30 PM in Student Services

(Note the change in start time for this meeting only.)

Join Boosters with a membership!  We invite you to join the Boosters Club for the 2018-19 school year.  Your membership supports athletics, fine arts, clubs & school-wide initiatives.  For more information and to purchase a membership, click HERE.

Concessions are an important Booster fundraiser.  We staff and operate concessions for various home sport events each season.  Many volunteers are needed!  Please click the link below to see where you might be able to help out during the Fall Sports Season.  Immediate need for this Friday, 9/7, Varsity Football vs Centennial on the 6-9:15 shift.

Fall Sign-up Link