Mentors Sought for GT Intern-Mentor Students

The MRHS GT Intern-Mentor Program has four student interns whose placement is contingent upon the availability of a mentor in their specific area of interest.  If you or someone you know might have an interest in serving as a Mentor for this school year, please contact Mr. Eckert at the email or phone listed below.

The areas of interest needed are:

  •   Business, Finance, Accounting, or Marketing for two students.
  •   Government and Politics for one student.
  •   Computer Software or Engineering for one student.

Our interns go to their internship sites mainly after our school day ends. This would be a school year long internship starting mid-September and extending through mid-May.  The student would spend an average of 5 hours per week at the mentor’s work site. How the hours are achieved/scheduled would be between the mentor and the student; although Mr. Eckert is available should questions or concerns arise.

Student interns will observe and help in whatever capacity you, the Mentor, might require of them. They will be conducting research on a question relevant to their field of study and may ask the Mentor for some guidance in that regard (i.e. suggested topics in the field, research sources in the field, etc).  The time requirement for this part of the course is minimal for the Mentor but very valuable to the student.   A description of the Mentor/Intern course is listed below.

Thank you for your consideration in helping our GT Intern/Mentor students.  Mr. Eckert looks forward to hearing from you.

Course Description:  The G/T Intern/Mentor Program is a college-level course in which students design an original research study or creative production.  Students study off-campus with a professional mentor in a self-selected area of interest.  Student research or creative production focuses on contributing new knowledge to the field of study.  The G/T resource teacher facilitates classroom and internship experiences, focusing on advanced-level research methodologies, college-level writing, and oral presentation skills.  At the mentor site, students apply the knowledge and skills they have learned in an authentic, professional environment.


Paul Eckert
GT Resource Teacher
Marriotts Ridge High School
