Family File (Emergency Form)

Please take the time to complete this very important parent task by logging into HCPSS Connect through the parent/guardian access, select the Family File (Emergency Form), and then click on Family File.

 A detailed step-by-step guide, with screen shots, is available by clicking here.

Common Roadblocks to Successfully Updating the Family File:

  • You must use the parent Canvas access, not the student access.  
  • Username is the full email address that is on file with the school for an adult responsible for the student. 
  • Don’t remember your password?  Use the Forgotten Password for a reset.
  • If the message “Please check for missing required information” appears in red at the bottom of the page, you need to double check that all required information has been entered before you can proceed to “Save” or go on to “Next”.   
  • A few common missed required information areas include Native Language, Federal Impact Aid Program, Type of Phone (home, cell, work), and completing both parent/guardian sections.

If you are having trouble, email or call 410-313-5568 (during school hours) for assistance.