Updated A/B Day Calendar for 2017-18
Due to the fact that we have missed 4 B-days and had an additional shortened B-day for unscheduled early dismissal as of February 7, 2018, and in preparation for all possible inclement weather make-up days, HCPSS has made some adjustments and updates to the A/B day calendar for the remainder of this school year.
An updated calendar with noted changes can be viewed on our website; a summary is below.
- Tuesday, February 20 will be changed from an A day to a B day.
- If Wednesday, April 4 is used as an inclement weather make-up day, it will be a B day.
- If Thursday, April 5 is used as an inclement weather make-up day, it will be an A day.
- If Friday, April 6 is used as an inclement weather make-up day, it will be a B day.
- If Friday, May 18 is used as an inclement weather make-up day, it will be a B dayday
- If Friday, June 15 is used as an inclement weather make-up day, it will be a B day.
SMOB Application Deadline is Friday, Feb. 9
Current sophomores and juniors may apply to the be next Student Member of the Board of Education.
Comprehensive Summer School – High School
Registration will be open February 1 at 3:00 p.m. – February 15 at 11:59 p.m.
The HCPSS Comprehensive High School Summer Program is designed to provide diploma-bound students entering Grades 9 through 12 with opportunities to support academic achievement and acceleration. The program offers high school credit-bearing courses in a variety of content areas and levels. This year’s program will run June 25-August 3 and will be held at Hammond and Atholton High Schools. For registration and course offerings, click here.
Howard County Association of Student Councils Meeting
Wednesday, February 14, 7-8:30 p.m. at Homewood Center
All HCPSS middle and high school students are invited to attend the February general meeting of the HCASC. For more information, email cindy_drummond@hcpss.org
MUSIC FOUNDATION http://www.mrhsmusic.net/
Annual Mustang Flea Market / March 3 / 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.Gently used items can be dropped off at the storage units in the parking lot next to the cafeteria at the following times:
- Saturday, 2/10 from 10:30-12:00 a.m.
- Saturdays, 2/17 & 2/24 from11:00-12:30 a.m.
- Wednesdays in February from 6:15-6:45 p.m.
- Friday, 3/2 from 4-6 p.m.
For more information, visit the website at http://www.mrhsmusic.net/
BOOSTERS http://www.mrhs-boosters.com/
Online Ticket Sales / $50 thru March 8 at http://shop.mrhs-boosters.com/product.sc?productId=47
Questions, Donations, Volunteer Opportunities, Contact:
Patti Gorman / plgroman@gmail.com
Marcie Lovell / marcieforwork@msn.com
SUMMER CAMPS 2018 Camp Schedule is now available! Start planning and include MRHS Summer Camp in your summer time activities! For a complete schedule and registration detail, click HERE.
2018 Senior Scholarships Application Deadline: February 23, 2018
Information on the application process is available on the Booster website at http://www.mrhs-boosters.com/senior-scholarships
PTSA http://www.marriottsridgeptsa.org/
AFTER PROM NEEDS YOU!Please attend our planning meeting on Monday, February 12th @ 7:00pm in Student Services. Anyone looking to help in final planning and pre-event project work for AfterProm on May 12th is encouraged to attend. If you would like to volunteer but are unable to make the meeting, please contact Karen Chase @ 410.531.9818 or kmchase24@comcast.net as soon as possible.
Senior Scholarships$1,500 Scholarships will be granted to four seniors!
Two Key Dates:
February 9 – Membership Deadline / Graduating Senior must be a PAID MRHS PTSA Member
April 13 – MRHS PTSA Scholarship Applications must be received by 2:30 p.m.The Application for the 2017-2018 MRHS PTSA Scholarships is available on the PTSA website https://www.marriottsridgeptsa.org/ or in Student Services office.
Questions? Contact Swami Swaminathan, MRHS PTSA Vice President @ swami@usa.com or 515.745.6704
No February PTSA meeting / next meeting is 3/12 @ 7p.m.
HC DrugFree News HC DrugFree TAC (Teen Advisory Committee) meets once a month and is open to all Howard County high school teens. Forms can be found on the TAC page at http://www.hcdrugfree.org/teen-advisory-council-1/ FREE! Pizza provided, so please rsvp to Admin@hcdrugfree.org before each meeting. Next meeting is February 26, 2018.
The Great Clips location in the Waverly Woods Shopping Center is partnering with the MRHS PTSA to benefit all our students! Great Clips will offer a discounted price of $9.99 on haircuts to students for the entire school year.
News from Our Feeder Schools
Waverly Elementary PTA Basket Bingo/Silent Auction
Saturday, February 24, 7-10 p.m. at The Catonsville Lodge New prizes announced each week. Visit www.waverlypta.net to see a complete list! Tickets: $20/person in advance; $30 at the door
Buy tickets here: https://search.seatyourself.biz/webstore/accounts/waverlypta/buy-tickets?d=1
Please visit the Community News and Programs page (http://www.hcpss.org/community-news-and-programs/) on the HCPSS website for all announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations. (Note: The Public Information Office encourages all community organizations to distribute notices electronically through this online resource. However, organizations may choose to distribute printed documents, such as the 2018 Parent Guide, through student backpacks, etc. per the provisions of HCPSS Policy 10010. For more information, please refer to Distribution Guidelines for Schools. Contact the Public Information Office with any questions, at 410-313-6682 or publicinfo@hcpss.org. )
Leadership U Class of 2018
Is your student looking for leadership opportunities? Does he or she want to make a difference? Consider joining the Leadership U Class of 2018! Leadership U is an exciting leadership, teambuilding, and community service opportunity for current high school sophomores. This unique four-month program involves a week-long summer program of hands-on activities, as well as involvement in a team community service project. This program is for students with leadership potential, a desire to learn with others, and for those with an interest in the community. Come to learn more and speak to some of our grads at one of our final sessions: February 13 at Central Library or March 1 at Miller Library. All sessions are from 7-8pm. Parents and students in both 9th and 10th grade are encouraged to attend. Additional information is available at http://www.leadershiphc.org/leadership-u-2/ or email Meg Ignacio mignacio@leadershiphc.org. Applications are due March 15, 2018.
Do you enjoy watching videos? Do you like making videos? The HoCo Student Film Festival is in need of your submissions! The deadline is February 23rd at midnight. The annual film festival is Friday, March 9th at the Miller Library in Ellicott City. Trophies and cash prizes are awarded to the top films. Come see what other school students are creating, Go to https://hocofilmfest.com/ or see your Media Specialist for more information!