Today's Topics - January 11, 2018

Midterm Care Packages – Order deadline is January 19!

Let your son or daughter know that you are thinking about him/her during Midterms!  For order form and more information . . . click here


Winter Dance – Save the date – February 3

The SGA will host a Winter Dance on Saturday, February 3 from 7-10 p.m.  Tickets will be on sale outside the cafeteria during lunch shifts from 1/29-2/2 for $10.  All proceeds will benefit the HCPSS Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center. 

Volunteers are still need to sell tickets! Please signup using this link


ARL Winter Shadow Days

Attention 9th grade students: The ARL is offering an Aerospace Engineering Shadow Day and an Early College Program in Cybersecurity Shadow Day on Thursday February 1st. Please go to Student Services for a permission slip to participate. Permission slips are due back to Mrs. Nelson in Student Services by January 18th.

Attention 10th grade students: See what ARL has to offer! ARL Shadow Days will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, January 30th and January 31st. Permission slips can be picked up in Student Services and are due back to Mrs. Nelson by January 18th.


2018 Yearbook  Have you purchased your student’s yearbook?  Don’t miss out, order online today!    While you are thinking about it . . . purchase an ad to celebrate your student’s achievements. 

Student Member of the Board Applications  Current sophomores and juniors may apply to be the Student Member of the Board of Education.  Read more . . .


WJZ Black Oratory Competition  High school students have the opportunity to enter and potentially win $600 by composing an original essay.  Read more . . .


Leadership U Class of 2018   Are you looking for leadership opportunities? Do you want to make a difference? Consider joining the Leadership U Class of 2018!  Read more . . .


Blue Ocean Entrepreneurship Competition Calling all high school students interested in business! The Blue Ocean Entrepreneurship Competition is giving $3000 in cash prizes to students for sharing their business ideas, and we’re run by students for students. This is great opportunity to get feedback from business professionals and gain real-world skills in business/entrepreneurship. Register at by January 31st and create a 90-second video describing your idea by March 3rd to enter. We’re also giving the three high schools with the most teams $1000 each. Questions? Email