This Week's Calendar of Events
Monday, December 11, 2017
- Boys Basketball vs South Carroll @ MRHS / JV 4:00, Varsity 5:30
- Indoor Track @ Anne Arundel/Howard County Challenge @ PG Sportsplex / 4:00
- Gifted & Talented Parent Information Night / 6:00 in the Media Center
- NHS Induction Ceremony / 7:00 in the Auditorium
- Canceled / PTSA Meeting
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
- Allied Bowling vs Howard HS @ Normandy Lanes / 3:00
- Wrestling Multi-team Event @ Mt. Hebron HS / 4:00
- Girls Basketball @ South Carroll / JV 5:30, Varsity 7:00
- BSAP / 6:00
- Delta Scholars / 6:30
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
- Social Studies NHS Induction / 2:30 in the Media Center
- Boys Basketball @ Wilde Lake / JV 4:00, Varsity 5:30
- Girls Basketball vs Wilde Lake @ MRHS / JV 4:00, Varsity 5:30
- Shop The Hitching Post for spirit wear gifts!6-7 p.m.
- Winter Concert I / 7:00 $5 at the door
- Boosters Meeting / 7:00
Thursday, December 14, 2017
- FBLA Blood Drive
- Winter Concert II / 7:00 $5 at the door
Friday, December 15, 2017
- Restaurant Raffle tickets due by 10:00 a.m.
- Clothes Swap / 4:30 in the Auxiliary Gym
- Varsity Basketball Doubleheader vs River Hill @ MRHS / Girls 5:15, Boys 7:00 (No JV Games)
- Wrestling @ South Carroll / 6:00
Saturday, December 16, 2017
- Indoor Track, HoCo Winter Festival @ PG Sportsplex
Opportunities to Donate . . .
- NHS Toy Drive, new unwrapped toys for children of all ages
- Clothes . . . Environmental Club is accepting gentle used or like new clothes for School-Wide Clothes Swap to be held on Friday, December 15.
- Shoes for the American Red Cross; drive ends 12/15/17.
- Recycled Treasures for Homewood School
FBLA’s 2nd Annual Blood Drive – December 14
We have teamed up with the American Red Cross Association in order to encourage students to donate blood, which can help save the lives of others. The nurses of the American Red Cross are well trained and use safe techniques that will ensure the well-being of your child during the process. After donating blood, all donors are given time to recuperate before heading back to class. Along with students, we encourage parents to come and donate blood as well! If you do decide to donate, please come in the morning between 7:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Thank you for your cooperation and we hope to see you there!
Holiday Jazz Cabaret
The Annual Holiday Jazz Cabaret will be held Tuesday, December 19th at 7pm. It’s a wonderful evening where friends and family gather and listen to holiday music performed by our very on MRHS Jazz Band, with performances by the Women’s Choir, the Madrigals and several amazing soloists. Beverages, appetizers and desserts are including with admission. Tickets are $10 and sold at the door.
To make this evening of holiday jazz a success, we are looking for volunteers and donations.