Today's Topics,11/14/17

Today's Topics,11/14/17

Winter Sports begin Wednesday, 11/15.  Athletes interested in trying out must have completed the online registration through  using the ‘parent log-in’.  Need assistance or have questions about Winter Sports? Contact   Read more . . . 

The Odd Couple, Female Version opens this week November 16-19 with performances on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 7pm and Sunday at 3pm.  Tickets are $8 in advance at or $10 at the door. Read more . . . 

Afternoon Tea, hosted by National Art Honor Society and Art Club, tickets are still available for $10 and must be purchased in advance. Tea will be served at 1PM on Sunday, 11/19.  Contact LaVerne Meirs-Bond for reservations. 

Underclass Picture Make-Up / Retakes  Get a second chance at a picture-perfect image!  Lifetouch will be at school on Friday, November 17, for underclass make-up/retake day.  Read more . . . 

Federal Aid Impact Survey    If you are eligible and have not yet returned the completed and signed Federal Impact Aid Survey, please do so no later than Friday, November 17.

Parent Teacher Conferences  MRHS parents/guardians may log onto, using their parent log-in, until Thursday the 16 at 8pm to view and schedule conferences from the available slots.  If needed, scheduling instructions can be found by clicking here.





Nov 10         Schools Close 3 hours early - End of Marking Period

Nov 17         Report Cards Issued

Nov 17         ACT Late Registration Deadline (late fee) for 12/9 Test

Nov 20-21    Schools Close 3 hours early - P/T Conferences

Nov 21         SAT Late Registration Deadline (late fee) for 12/2 Test

Nov 22         Schools Closed for students - P/T Conferences

Nov 23-24    Schools/Offices Closed - Thanksgiving Holiday

Dec 2            SAT Test Day

Dec 9            ACT Test Day

Dec 25-Jan 1 Winter Break

Jan 12           ACT Registration Deadline for 2/10 Test

Jan 15           Schools & Offices Closed - Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Jan 19           ACT Late Registration Deadline (late fee) for 2/10 Test

Jan 24-25      High Schools Close 3 Hrs early - Mid-terms

Jan 26           All Schools Close 3 Hrs early - Mid-terms

ATTENTION SENIORS PLANNING TO PURSUE AN ELEMENTARY TEACHING DEGREE  The Maryland Association of Elementary School Principals will be awarding the Dr. Kenneth E. Mann $1,000 scholarship to an elementary teacher education applicant whose qualifications meet the outlined criteria. Log in to Naviance for more information. Applicants must provide a written statement, transcripts and two recommendations. The deadline for applying is February 16, 2018.

HOWARD COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY ONLINE TUTOR PROGRAM  All students can access free online tutoring through their newly issued Howard County Public Library cards, accessible via the HC Library link from the page. A range of services are offered including paper editing, help with a specific math problem or reference desk inquiries. The service is available 24 hours a day and is web based. Check it out at

The “Directory of Mental Health Services in Howard County” provided by the Howard County Mental Health Authority is available to the public and can be found at the following link:

CRISIS TEXT LINE – Text START to 741-741

A more comprehensive newsletter will be issued every two-three weeks.