Today's Topics - November 2, 2017

SGA Food Drive Update

313 pounds of non-perishable food was collected today bringing the weekly total to 603 lbs.  Mr. Aucoin’s first period class donated 98 lbs and Mrs. McCabe’s donated 50 lbs – TODAY!  Help us reach a weekly goal of 1000 lbs!  Friday is the last day . . . send in your non-perishable food with students or drop off in the front office to be counted towards a class celebration.   Monetary donations may be made via cash or check payable to Howard County Food Bank. ($1 = 1-lb of food counted towards the class competition.)

Leading the first period class competition is Mrs. McCabe with a total* of 322-lbs, followed by the Media aides with 225-lbs and Mr. Aucoin with 196-lbs.(*Total class pounds include monetary donations.)32 of the 52 first period classes are participating!TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY FOR FOOD COLLECTION!

Boosters needs volunteers to help in concessions. 

It is fun, simple, and required no previous experience!  WE NEED YOU!!

Tonight (11/2) Volleyball playoff game (4:30-6:00) – 2 volunteers
Friday (11/3) Senior Night Football game (6:30-9:00 pm) – 7 volunteers



2016-2017 Yearbooks    Most 2016-17 yearbooks have been hand delivered by the Yearbook staff.  Those students who have been absent, or if you believe you ordered a yearbook but it was not delivered to you/your child, need to see Mrs. Wichmann during  period 4 on an A-day in room 207/205.

Federal Impact Aid Survey  Earlier this week, all students enrolled as of September 25th were given a Federal Impact Aid Survey to take home. Please return this survey form only if you are employed on federal property in Maryland, are on active military duty anywhere in the world, or are a foreign government military officer.  All information collected is confidential. If eligible, please return the form by November 9th.


Career Academy Info Night  Thursday, November 9 at the Applications & Research Laboratory / Read more . . .


Prudential Spirit of Community Awards  Applications are due to Mrs. Dubbs by November 7. 


G/T Parent Academy: Navigating the College Admissions Process

Tuesday, November 7, 7–8:30 p.m., Howard High School

Attendees will discover how to prioritize the things that can best impact the college application and admissions process, including steps for preparation, key conversations to have as a family, and the best ways to prepare for the outcomes.