News from Student Services, 11/7/17

Parent/Teacher Conferences Scheduling Information 

Please go to HCPSS Connect and click on Guides for instructions to register for conferences.

MRHS parents/guardians will have scheduling access from 11/10 @ 8am to 11/16 @ 8pm.


Student Services and the Administration are looking for motivated, responsible, creative student leaders who are interested in joining a group to promote a positive culture at Marriotts Ridge.

If interested, submit your interest to Mrs. Hildreth no later than 2:10 pm on November 15.You can share your interest in a variety of formats:

  • letter of interest
  • an essay on how you promote a positive culture at MRHS
  • an art submission (poster, drawing, a song)
  • interest via technology (video, ppt)


Student Services Newsletter, 11/07/17