Did you know 1 in 9 Marylanders are food insecure? Over 682,000 residents do not have enough to eat. 33% of these food insecure individuals make too much money to qualify for federal or state assistance and rely solely on food organizations to meet their needs.
SGA is kicking off the Kids Helping Kids Campaign to benefit the Maryland Food Bank by raising funds online in advance of our food collection competition next week! First period classes will be competing to collect the most food beginning Monday, October 30th through Friday, November 3rd. Beginning October 23rd, for every dollar donated before October 27th, first period classes will earn a pound of food towards their class competition next week! Printed donation receipts can be turned in to first period teachers or the media center! Use the online donation link below. Personal checks can be made out to the Howard County Food Bank and delivered to the media center. Please consider helping out the working families, elderly and children of Maryland who rely on our generosity to meet their food needs!