Today's Topics - September 13, 2017


Paper home reports were distributed Tuesday to students who participated in the PARCC assessments for English 10, Algebra I, and Algebra II in the 2016–2017 school year.

Digital Access to Test Results and other standardized test scores is available through Canvas.  To view a running record of your child’s raw standardized assessment scores:

Go to
Login and click on ”Standardized Test Scores” in the left menu




Apple and Bakery Fundraiser September 19-27!

The Marriotts Ridge High School Music Foundation is selling apples, cider, apple butter, apple sauce, apple pies and of course Baugher's famous apple fritters!  All items from Baugher's Orchard and Bakery in Westminster.  You can support our music program and a local farm at the same time!

Sign up to receive emails when each apple sale starts at  The first sale is open for music students to start collecting orders 9/14.  Orders may be placed online from September 19-27, with delivery on Oct. 7.  Orders are placed online with payment through PayPal and all major credit cards at   The sale flyer with a list of products and prices is available at

A Thanksgiving apple and pie sale is also planned with delivery Nov. 21.  Thank you for your support of music at Marriotts Ridge!




Meeting Tonight  at 7PM in the first floor staff lounge . . .JOIN US!!

Fall Concession Sign-Up

The concession stands need volunteers to keep it running.  Immediate needs are for 9/14 Cross Country, 9/19 Boys Soccer and Volleyball, and 9/22 Varsity Football. Please sign-up for a slot (or two and volunteer just a little of your time to a great cause – THE KIDS!  Thanking you in advance for volunteering and supporting the MRHS community.

Fall Concession Sign-Up

12th Annual GOLF OUTING will take place on October 20th at Waverly Woods Golf Course. For all the details and to register, please go to




Student Directories will be distributed in late fall. The sooner our MRHS families update their family file on HCPSS Connect, the sooner we can get it out. The information comes directly from the Family File but if you have additional changes, please email Jean Lim, no later than September 30. 


Restaurant Raffle Fundraiser can use your help!

SPONSORSHIP  Do you have a company you would like to advertise?  For $100, your company logo can go on the flyer and one out of 20 raffle tickets we send to over 1,000 homes in our school community.  Your logo will also be mentioned in several school-wide emails and the MRHS PTSA website.  Just send us your logo (email to, a coupon amount, if applicable, and a check made out to MRHS PTSA.

GIFT CARD DONATIONS Please donate a gift card for the Restaurant Raffle Fundraiser! Chain restaurants are the most difficult to obtain, so those are always helpful and appreciated (any increments of $10 -$100).  Your donation is tax-deductible.

Mail gift cards and sponsorships to the school:

MRHS PTSA Restaurant Raffle
c/o Theresa Yodzis
12100 Woodford Dr.
Marriottsville, MD 21104

ENVELOPE ASSEMBLY  In search of SERVICE HOURS?  A lot of preparation is needed to assemble the restaurant raffle envelopes for mailing.  This job can be broken into smaller parts so it doesn’t become too overwhelming.  If interested in helping or just want to learn more, contact Theresa Yodzis at or 443.472.0974.


It’s time to enroll your Giant and Martin cards this school year!  MRHS PTSA has the opportunity to participate in and earn CASH from A+ School Reward, a great fundraising program run through our local Giant/Martins! No cost to you but a great benefit to our school! 

        To participate please visit and select Savings and Rewards.  Follow the prompts to create your online account.  You will need your 12-digit Giant Card number and School ID #04912.  (If you don’t know your Giant Card number you can call 1-877-366-2668 Option #1 to support the school). 

         Each year you’re card is automatically re-enrolled in the Giant/Martins program and you can support more than one school at a time.  This year please encourage friends and families in state and out of state to support MRHS PTSA by enrolling their cards in A+ rewards at Giant, Martins, and Stop and Shop, all linked to our School Id #0491

         Thanks for taking the time to enroll your card and supporting MRHS students, teachers, and parents! Visit the PTSA website (under info/forms) for links to enroll in Giant’s A+program, Harris Teeter’s TIE program, and our Amazon Smile link!


PTSA MEMBERSHIP Please join the PTSA to support our parents, teachers and students at MRHS! Go to our new website to join or to make a donation


And, don’t forget to LIKE our new Facebook page!  Marriotts Ridge High School PTSA



HC DrugFree Teen Advisory Council (TAC) Meeting: Monday, September 18 from 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. TAC is open to all Howard County high school students and community service hours are available. Meetings are held at The Barn (Teen Center) in the Oakland Mills Village Center. Free pizza is provided. Teens must complete the registration form found on the Teen Advisory Council page at and RSVP to

Medication and Sharps Convenient Drive-Thru Collection: Saturday, October 28 from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. is national Drug Take Back Day. Join the Howard County Police and HC DrugFree at their convenient drive-thru collection of unwanted or expired medication and sharps (needles, syringes, and EpiPens). No need to get out of your car. Just look for the teens in bright green shirts holding signs and directing traffic. Community service hours available for volunteers. Location: Wilde Lake Village Center parking lot near the UPS Store. For more information, visit or contact us at  or 443-325-0040.


Community Notices

Please visit the Community News and Programs page on the HCPSS website for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.

Bright Minds Foundation 4th Annual Gold Tournament, October 4, 2017  Enjoy a beautiful day playing golf with HCPSS Interim Superintendent Dr. Michael Martirano, hear his update about the school system at lunch and support the Bright Minds Foundation! Thank you to all our sponsors!  Sponsorships are still available and registration is open.


Glenwood Branch, Howard County Library

Readers, Assemble! Adults and High School students welcome. Thursdays; 7 - 8 pm.

Sep 28: Relish: my life in the kitchen by Lucy Knisley

Oct 26: Walking Dead Book One: a continuing story of survival horror by Robert Kirkman

Nov 30: V for Vendetta by Alan Moore

Copies of the September graphic novel are reserved at the Glenwood Branch circulation desk for those who are interested!

HiTech Math Lab: Drop-in math help through AP Calculus for middle and high school students, ages 11-18. Free. Thursdays, starting 9/28 (no session 11/23) from 4-6:30pm. Registration preferred. Glenwood Branch, Howard County Library System. Contact Lori Conforti (410) 313-5577.

Maximize Your College Applications & Essays  Sep 13, Sep 20, Oct 4: 7 - 8 pm and Sep 30: 3:30 - 4:30 pm  Glenwood Branch, Howard County Library System. Contact Lori Conforti (410) 313-5577.