G/T Research Class Options - Deadline to Register - January 14, 2025


Gifted and Talented Education Program

The G/T Intern/Mentor Program is a college-level course in which students design an original research study or creative production.  Students study off-campus with a professional mentor in a self-selected area of interest.  Student research or creative production focuses on contributing new knowledge to the field of study. The G/T Resource Teacher facilitates classroom and internship experiences, focusing on advanced-level research methodologies and college-level writing and oral presentation skills.  At the mentor site, students apply the knowledge and skills they have learned in an authentic, professional environment.

Students must fill out the HCPSS class registration form with one of the classes AND they must fill out the application for one of the classes. Applications for both the GT Independent Research class and the GT Intern-Mentor class are required. They are due January 14, 2025. The applications are available at the GT website:


Among the colleges that some of our GT Research graduates have attended in recent years are:

Princeton, MIT, University of Pennsylvania, Duke, Johns Hopkins, UMCP Honors Program, University of Virginia, USAF Academy, Northwestern, University of Michigan

Would your child be interested in a Mentor class where they would have a free opportunity to see what it would be like to be in that field?

Would it be helpful to your child to have an electronic online portfolio of original research and a recommendation from a professional in the field to show to college admissions officers?

Would an Independent Research class where scholarly research is done in conjunction with an adviser in that field benefit your student?

Would it benefit your child to have a class where they can go beyond what an AP class can offer them?If you answered “Yes”, fill out an application. Applications for both the  GT Independent Research class and the GT Intern-Mentor class are required. They are due January 14, 2025. The applications are available at the GT website:


For more info, contact Mr. Eckert, the G/T Resource teacher at paul_eckert@hcpss.org